We have come back to PdC after 4 dives with Jungle Divers over 2 days.
We contacted Jungle Divers via email and they were very helpful.
They helped us to book a room for one nigth in Albatross Suites wich is only a 5 minutes walk from the diveshop. And we booked 4 Tikila dives.
We did one duskdive and one nightdive on the first day and two dives the morning after.
We dived with Steph and he was a good diveguide and nice to talk to.
And we had some great dives finding a lot of unusual sea-life. The highlights was a viper moray posing and the biggest and probably oldest loggerhead turtle we have ever seen.
All was fine until after the first dive on the second day.
When we came back to the diveshop after that dive Stephs wife and partner was there and she was very unfriendly and grumpy. She did not want us to go in to the diveshop, and she refused my wife to use the toilet in the shop. She said she had just cleaned the floor, so she told us to stay outside, even though our dry clothes was inside. After that the mood was not the best. And it was very strange to stand outside on the pavement to wait for the next dive.
After the second dive of the day, she did not want us in the shop again, but we had to walk inside to the rinse room to rinse our equipment. I had to pack our dive-gear and camera equpment on the pavement outside the shop.
We never did or said anything to provoke. We just felt we had to get away from there.
I have dived all over the world, and never have I been treated the way I was treated there.
Too bad, because we really enjoyed diving with Steph, but we will never dive with them again.