I considered the issue of whether any of us were being overly sensitive, but the original title of the thread was:
- Divers dying every lobster opening. This has to stop!
'Has' to stop. When such a sentiment is stated in such a demanding fashion, it is apt to be taken by others as meaning the originator has a 'do whatever it takes' mindset on the issue, and that's likely to involve imposing regulation.
By analogy, consider the real world example of the New York Mayor who wanted to basically outlaw super-sized non-diet sodas at restaurants. In theory, the desire was to 'help' people. Education efforts have been done (across the U.S.); people know or should know that non-diet sugary drinks have lots of calories which make people fatter and increase risk of heart attack and shortened life (and diabetes and some other things, but keeping it simple...), and the info. is readily available online. But despite all that, and whatever partial successes there have been, there were just too many fatty's drinking real big cups of non-diet soda to suit the Suits and busybodies!
After the state attorney's general managed mass robbery of the tobacco companies (from what I recall only a very small faction of the money went to help smokers; I'm not advocating smoking or tobacco companies, but that was high-way robbery, even if you hate the victims), for awhile people were even speculating about the potential for lawyers to go after 'Big Food' (a knock off from 'Big Tobacco').
So, in the modern day U.S. with this cultural backstory, when somebody posts publicly about something they don't like and claim 'This has to stop,' they may get this reaction.