Diver rescue at Niihau after 4 hour separation from boat

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It was required for my AOW. Not sure if it's an agency requirement or my LDS/Instructor requirement.

Depending upon the agency, I would bet it was an LDS/Instructor requirement. We tend to slip those things into the classes when we think they are important.
I can't believe that it isn't a requirement given its safety implications (yes I know its not). I carry 2 SMB and 2 finger reels. Orange for locating my position and a yellow meaning trouble (has a slate on it). That way particularly if I am doing blue water deco and either lose one on deployment, or have a critical issue I am covered (requires explaining the yellow SMB to boat crew before diving thought). The slate advises the issue to surface crew.

But regardless, I just don't understand people penny pinching at the risk of their life. I do however understand new divers not being aware of things available or why.

Saw an issue at Lady Elliot Island OZ where a DM and a female german diver stayed down while we came up in strong currents. Boat crew wasn't being vigilant and I recognised that clearly after 1 hr 10 min (with them both on 11 litre cylinders) something was very wrong. After 1 hr 15 min he suddenly realised there was a problem, searched the area but they could not be seen. After having his backside soundly kicked by the resort staff, they diverted an aircraft coming in to search as well as dropping us off and doing a boat search. The couple were found some 2 km out to sea. Both had SMB but the cheap $5 plastic ones. One failed to inflate, the other was as good as a candle in a wind storm.

The DM made the comment, "glad we were found as I was about to drop my gear and swim for it"! Now what a stupid comment. Carried out to sea in a very strong current (the island is about 70 km off shore), with an inexperienced tourist with language difficulties and he is going to drop all his gear and swim in. I don't think so, and what about the tourist he is responsible for!

Moral of the story is, be prepared yourself and don't depend on others to have all the necessary gear, don't assume your buddy is smart enough to do the right thing unless you know them, think for yourself as well.

Quality SMB don't cost the earth, why scrimp and feel safe with a plastic bag, when a few dollars more gives you a very reliable safety device.

I carry SMB x 2, mirror, whistle, EPIRB, dye, soundmaker, (whistle is not worth squat). Been left in the water and its not a pleasant experience.

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