Hi JohnnyC,
From the family statement, the family is not hoping for some legislation for scuba divers but legislation for diving operators. It sounds reasonable as within a month, the same dive center was responsible for causing two massive air and sea search and rescues for divers on its charter dives to Race Rocks. Though the June pair was found a mile or two away, such incident is costly not just to human life and the family, but to tax payers paying for the tens and thousands of $ per search. Based on Race Rocks website, the currents at Race Rocks on June 6 at 1pm and July 5th at 11am, being the approximate time when two troubled teams of divers entered water, were both tearing away at 5.5 knots. At that speed, even drift diving will be like riding an elevator with the door open! As there are plenty of tourists interested in trying out Race Rocks, the dive center should have timed the dives to match the slack tides, which in a full moon can be very brief.
There is nothing in anything I have read to suggest that the dive center caused these events. Divers are always free to make their own decisions as to currents /c conditions and their ability to do a dive.