I assume you'll admit that a wreck is nowhere near as line-friendly a place as a cave. Wreck divers who put the same kind of absolute reliance on a continuous guideline to OW that cave divers do are staking their lives on a trail of bread crumbs that may have been gobbled up behind them no matter how carefully they placed it. As I recall, more than a few extremely experienced cave divers found out the hard way that wrecks and caves are not the same environments.
I don't think that Doppler was suggesting ABSOLUTE reliance on a line. But certainly the polar opposite - not having a line AT ALL - is potentially a far worse mistake to make. The main cave divers I know of who got in trouble in wrecks most often did so out of arrogance, overconfidence, or complacency more so than a lack of understanding of the differences betwen caves and wrecks. I'd trust an experienced cave diver in a wreck far more so than an experienced wreck diver in a cave - but I wouldn't trust an arrogant, overconfident, complacent version of either... anywhere.
---------- Post added October 23rd, 2013 at 07:03 PM ----------
And Gods bless NE boats for that. Anyone who has come to Hawaii will understand what I mean.
Well, the good news is my experience is that if you are a NJ diver and travel anyplace else in the world... they pretty much let you "do your own thing." I think they're so afraid that will scare the other passengers, loot the wreck, and steal their wives/girlfriends that they just stay out of our way.
Here's my buddy coming back from a morning shore dive at a well-known Cayman resort.
The dive op thought the water was too rough that day, but didn't bother telling us we couldn't dive. Must have been 50 guests complaining that the dive entrance was closed. We literally didn't know it was closed until we exited the water at the end of our dive and found the chain we had to climb over. "But how come those two guys got to go diving - that's not fair!" complained the other guests. To which the dive op responded "Those guys? They're from NJ." At which point the other 50 guests stopped complaining and went to the pool for the rest of the day.