Why would you assume that? Perhaps it was because I wrote:
"Wrecks are organic entities and a whole order of magnitude more difficult in many ways than caves. I dive and teach in both and am way more on edge inside a wreck because there is no way to guarantee that the way you came in will be the best way to get out. That's not always the case, but I can honestly say that I have never been lost in a cave, even when laying new line... I have second-guessed my location in a wreck, even with a reel in my hand and a continuous line to the exit. Wrecks are way more challenging to navigate."
I believe that covers the bases... can I assume you do too?
---------- Post added October 23rd, 2013 at 08:05 PM ----------
Cave divers run flimsy lines in wrecks. Wreck divers use 2 mm equipment line (also known as static line) knotted every three metres.
You cannot load as much on a reel but that **** has some break strain and you can pull yourself out of a restriction with it... been there, done that, intend to do it again.
DON'T USE CAVE LINE IN A WRECK. Wrong tool for the job.
Learn something new every day this is a good thing.