I have a stupid noob question... Are there maps of these wrecks? Are there (or maybe should there be) "you are here" signs inside these wrecks? It just seems like you would stand a better chance of getting out alive if you had some sort of map to guide you.
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Although diagrams or schematics of wrecks can be found you can't be sure that it is accurate. Many ships go through "multiple" lives before coming to rest on the ocean floor and many modifications to the original floor plan have been made. In addition as the ship decays walls fall down, doorways collapse. There is no way to keep a current map available to the public. And finally although the concept of a map is good, no map in the world will save you in a silt out where you can't see the line in your hand let alone a placard on the wall.
Making a seguay here..... Although you should still run your own, for an added measure of safety, many cave systems have permanently installed lines to the limit of what's been explored and the famous Grim Reaper "Go past here and you will die...." sign when the limits of previous exploration has been reached. This seems to not kill people in caves... IDK if the same would hold true on wrecks since so many recreational divers who dive wrecks externally could be tempted versus cave entrances where pretty much noone goes except cave divers.
A couple of issues i see here. One, caves usually have one entrance and one exit so one sign and a mainline. Wrecks can have many, many entrances and exits. Not only is that a lot of signs, but difficult to maintain. Also in the caves there are teams or groups dedicated to the maintenance of those lines and ensuring they are intact. This would be next to impossible to do on the many, many wrecks scattered about the ocean floor.
The size of some of these larger wrecks is enormous. And I think the scale is hard for some to imagine. I was recently on the Vandenberg. She is over 500 feet long, served in three different capacities as a ship. Thus modified multiple times from her original drawings that can be found online. There are hallways that dead end into nothing. I can't find the source but i believe i read she has over 630 rooms. If I had to guess I'd say there are at least 50 entrance points on her, probably more. While a dream for someone like myself who loves to penetrate wrecks she must be approached with caution and respect. The potential for a fatality is definitely there.