However, shakeybrainsurgeon, the defense is not going to put out that theory. It would be highly inappropriate for a jury to come-up with such an alternate defense on their own, especially if there is no evidence that supports it. If a juror were to concoct such a defense, I think the idea of trying to drown, but not really drown someone at 40 feet would have been a ridiculous idea on Gabe's part. The likelihood of Gabe knowing that such a move more than likely would result in a death, given his training and experience, would in itself, negate such a defense. He knew Tina was a beginner and not equipped to deal with an emergency situation. It was her first non-instructional ocean dive - and he supposedly expects her to deal his attempt to drown her and still survive? Even if he were to try and put forth such a defense theory, his actions had the same result - the death of Tina Watson.
In addition, in order to make the theory plausible, the jury would have to concoct the situation of how Gabe would have initiated the fake drowning of Tina, have her survive and then not accuse him of trying to kill her. The required actions in order to initiate a fake drowning is not in Gabe's testimony, the jury would have to make-up facts and evidence to try and make it fit.
There would also be the testimony of two eye witnesses that would make such a theory even more difficult and the jury would have to ignore in order to make this theory plausible:
1) Eye Witness Dr. Stanley Stutz describes Tina struggling and fearful on her back, arms out to the side. Then, a male diver embraces her, he is on top of her, his arms underneath her armpits, Dr. Stutz thought he was trying to rescue her, but Dr. Stutz sees him let go and Tina sinks and the male diver goes to the surface. He tried to get someone else's attention and then sees the instructor make a bee-line for Tina. The instructor brought her to the surface, her eyes fixed open, vomit coming out of her mouth. Dr. Stutz felt at that point, she was dead.
Haunted memory
2) The detective who overheard Gabe saying to Tina at the mortuary "I'M so sorry, I never meant to hurt you. I shouldn't have kept taking you down. I'm sorry, I couldn't stop.''
Final words
Indeed, it is rare for a man to murder his wife on their honeymoon, but it is not out of the realm of possibility for a sociopath, it has happened before. However, Gabe's controlling and poor treatment of Tina had been going on for quite some time. It was not a new relationship, Tina had stopped seeing Gabe Watson for a while and was involved with another guy. Tina was actually heartbroken over that relationship and Gabe was there to step back in. I believe there was testimony at the Coroner's Hearing that showed Gabe was very jealous that Tina had been involved with someone else. This evidence was probably for the specific reason of answering the question - why would a man kill his new wife on their honeymoon. Doesn't he still love her at that point in the relationship? Here is what one of Tina's friends said about Gabe's treatment of Tina:
ALANDA THOMAS: “One time when we went out to eat after work, and he came, we went to a pizza place and he showed up; he was angry and glared at Tina the whole time,” Alanda Thomas said. “When our pizza came, he actually physically picked up a piece of pizza and threw it at her.”
In other interviews, she has said that when Watson gave his fiancée her engagement ring, he gave it to her in a bag, which he put on top the television, telling her she couldn’t look at the ring inside for six months.
“Did she complain about abuse or controlling behavior?” Lauer asked.
“She wouldn’t have done that,” Alanda Thomas replied. “She was more the one that makes excuses and tries to make peace with everybody.”
Drowned bride?s family hail murder charge - TODAY: People -
Actually, I don't see anything that Gabe Watson said in his interview that indicates to me, that he saw himself as a hero. Everything he said appeared to attempt to garner sympathy or deflect blame, not looking for hero worship. If you find anything in this interview that suggests that - please quote it. Here are the links to his police interview: