jbd:I've had the pleasure of not being able to find the mooring line in the Florida Keys. Viz had dropped by half to two thirds from the beginning of the dive. Upon ascending to the surface, I found we had 6 foot seas(with the ocassional 8 footer according to the captain). When I broke the surface I was in a trough. I rode one wave up, did a quick scan and spotted a boat, not the one I had been on, but a boat non the less. As I rode down into the next trough I kept facing the direction of that boat and knew I would make one more scan for "my" boat. If I had not found "my" boat I would have found the other again and started swimming for it even though is was easily more than one hundred yards away. On the second wave crest I found "my" boat about 50 yards away. Quickly aimed the compass before going down the trough. On the third crest The captain spotted me, we signaled each other and I swam to the boat. All ended well and the compass made it easy to get off the surface and swim UW to the boat.
Now lets assume "my" boat had left me and the other boat had not seen me and left the site also. I knew because of the compass and where we were which way land was. I would have swum towards land.
The point of all this??? I find it strange that any individual would just decide to drift in the current hoping someone would realize they were missing and come find them. I didn't want to be left in the water and was quite willing to make whatever effort it took to get to a boat or land.
There is a post in this thread about responsibility and delegating authority. Any person whogets in the water has a responsibility to get themselves out of the water. There may be some sharing of accounting for the location of the person but ultimately as divers we choose to get in the water and we ultimately have the responsibility to get ourselves out of the water by following protocols and using common sense. Mr. Carlock chose not to use either IMO.
I think you need to rethink what you have just said. swim 10m back to land, in your dreams also all survival instruction tells you not to swim if you don't think you can make it as this lowers body heat very quickly.