CHUD:You know, it's baffling to me how people who seem otherwise reasonable and intelligent can consistently miss and/or ignore the point sometimes. Here's my last attempt to illuminate my position. If this doesn't get through, then I'll just stifle.
A department store mannequin is thrown overboard and checked out along with real live divers, despite the fact that it is A) not human, B) cannot swim, and C) is not certified. When all divers come back on board, the DM checks them all in ... and also checks in the mannequin, which is currently drifting 100 yards to port because nobody hauled it back in. Captain lifts anchor, moves to the 2nd dive location, DM checks everyone back into the water ... including the mannequin, currently drifting about 3 miles east.
If you can assign responsibility to the mannequin for this chain of events, then I give up.
Well, the point I am making is that I beleive that if the diver (Mr Carlock? ) is not upto the task he should not be in the water. I agree with you about the Dm and his procedure. However, that was not the point I was expanding upon. My point is that we are or are supposed to be responsible enough that we should know our limitations. At the end of the day, there were a few serious FUBARS or SNAFUS. Each merits it own discussion. I chose to follow the point of the diver and the facts presented lead me to beleive that he was not up to the dive.
Oh, and thankyou for refering to me and the rest of us as reasonable and intelligent !
Graham Wardell PADI SDI DM