Diver getting back in, needing a buddy.

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Hello To All,

LOL I am finally back...I haven't been diving for about 6-8 months, I am looking for someone who is willing to go blow some bubbles with me to check my equipment and get back into diving.

After moving to the Washington about 2yrs ago I dove several times a week on average..due to some family/medical things I had to stop for a while...but now I am getting back into it...

History on me, 156 dives, PADI, AOW and Rescue Diver Cert's. Safety is top priority to me...just had equipment all serviced. Basically I love to dive and generally will do it at ever oppurtunity.

Looking for someone who is willing to jump in with me while I check all my equipment..preferably either Les Davis or Alki Cove 2, both sites I am extremely familiar with...

Drop me a PM or email if your willing.

Thanks Annette...

PS I just wish I could remember the handles of everyone I dove with in the past...LOL
We are doing a dive on Thurs at 1030 am (meet) at Cove 2...
Care to join?
Hey Kirsten,

I would love to but I am a lucky nurse with a 7-4pm job...sucks..but please keep me posted...

Thanks Annette
Sounds like you could join us Thurday at 5pm for a dive at Cove 2.

Let me know :thumb:

Hey Jim,

I would love to, however gotta work till 4 and not likely I will make it up there in time and then I have a softball game at 7:50, so I might be cutting it too short.

Please keep me posted...
Thanks Annette

Sounds like you could join us Thurday at 5pm for a dive at Cove 2.

Let me know :thumb:

Doc Intrepid:
Prioritization issues? :wink:

Hey Doc,

What can I say I like too many things...it is ball season, I missed last game and the guys will never let me live it down if I miss this game too...Just way too much hassling going on!!!

Fair enuff! What do I know? I have no (other) life...

I'll be back in the PNW in October, and I'll send you a PM when next heading over to Don Kinney's yellow house in Hoodsport. Thats one place you should visit, if you've not already...

Dive safe (and look out for those line drives... :) ),

I have just recently moved to the Seattle area. I am looking for dive buddies. Are you still searching for someone to dive with?

I haven't been diving out here at all, and I don't know where to go yet.

About me:
I have been a certified diver for 20yrs. I am an avid diver. Next to hiking/backpacking diving is my favorite sport. I am wanting to get in the water on the weekends or evenings.
Hey welcome to the area,

After I get back into it, checking out my gear and what not...I will def. take you to some cool sites, my personal fav. is Alki Cove 2 and Les Davis...good relatively safe sites regarding currents.

Keep your eye out more dives to come, but send me a PM with your name so when I get back into being comfortable I will let ya know.


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