Diver dies at Casino Point Avalon Catalina!

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Interesting to see how the stories differ from different eye witnesses to the same event. Of course I learned that first on TV. I've now heard that it was a female who died and a male that died from different sources.

As I said, I was only conveying information I heard from folks on the scene. Sad that another person had to leave us, but at least they were doing something they loved.
My best wishes to all of y'all who were there as well. Critical Incident Stress is discussed to an extent in the Padi Rescue manual but I am not able to find a site source I really like under that name or Post Traumatic Incident Stress. Maybe that's because it varies so much with different people?

It is a real issue tho, and can have unfair and significant effects on some. While I am sure that everyone who could possibly help did their best, and for some it was akin to "I went to the top of the stair to get out of everyone's way" as often that is the best we can do - step aside to allow the more qualified take action, but I also know it can be frustrating as we all would want to help if we could.

The first step in any CIS problem is to talk about it rather than not; sure there may be some differing on details in fact, but don't let corrections get you down even if they might seem abrupt as there were other reasons for that. Talk about it, here, with trusted friends, counselors, pastors, whatever works.

There is much more available, but I'm not going to suggest any particular links or sources. Do know that they exist, and maybe ask someone more knowledgeable

Again, best wishes to you all.
To reiterate what the Doctor stated....Please keep in mind that family and friends of D.R.P. have access to your comments. Please do not speculate on causes and rumors of this tragedy. Having known D.R.P. and my wife working directly for him at the RSO, the investigation into the accident is still ongoing. She also has access to these sites and if VERY UPSET at the loss. We are still attempting to get information and although everyone has good intentions, two people seeing the exact same incident rarely will give accurate and identical accounts of what they observed. In all, please just be mindful of your speculations and understand that authorities are looking for the "factual' causes that lead to this tragedy. Thank you
We learn from it or it is a complete waste and no one wants that! Traffic collision in the middle of an intersection and there are 4 different versions of the TRUTH! I am on a quest for answers, not only to be fare, but to learn and try to understand the reality of it all! It is what it is and all we can do is honor the man by the lesson paid for with a very high price........
here is the AP report

BC-CA--SoCal-Diving Death,0134<

Retired sheriff's sergeant dies after Catalina scuba mishap<

Eds: APNewsNow.<

AVALON, Calif. (AP) _ A retired Riverside County sheriff's

sergeant is dead after a weekend scuba diving accident off Santa

Catalina Island.

A Los Angeles County sheriff's dispatcher said 50-year-old David

Pike was diving with an instructor in about 20 feet of water

Saturday at Casino Point Underwater Park when he ran into trouble.

Shortly after giving the instructor a thumbs-up signal, Pike

floated to the surface, not breathing. He was given CPR and taken

by paramedics to a hyperbaric chamber on the island. He remained

unresponsive and was declared dead a couple hours later.

Hyperbaric chambers are used to treat divers for decompression

sickness, also called the bends.

Catalina is about 20 miles off the coast of Los Angeles County.


Information from: The Press-Enterprise, PE.com | Southern California News | News for Inland Southern California

(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
Papa Bear,

First I would like to thank you for your inquiry into the incident. From the moment we got the first phone call regarding the accident and the calls being made even as this post is being typed, we too have been on a quest for answers and your initial post has helped. Like our first notification, we have come across many different stories even in our field. My comments were directed in the general direction of the medical diagnosis of his condition from those who do not have the proper medical training. I understand that what may look like a clear cut case very rarely ends up being what it seems. Like you we want answers, but we understand it takes time for the reports to be completed and reviewed then released.
Dave retired 30 days ago as a Sgt. with Riverside County Sheriff's Department. I am a long time co-worker and close friend. Dave through his work, worked very close with numerous law enfocement agencies. He was the corner stone of his friends. He was always there with just a phone call to help with anything anywhere. Most of us will be lucky to have a handful of friends, Dave really had hundreds. Calls have been coming in from at least six agencies around where Dave worked. Dave started work with the sheriff's department right out of the 82nd air borne and for the next 28 years served Riverside County. Dave worked out at the gym very regular and always seemed very fit, but really only his doctor would know for sure. I know Dave never entered into anything he was not totally prepaired for and he lived life to the fullest. For me there will be a void in my life that will never be filled. Now he will be watching over all of his family and friends. Dave you're the best, thank you for being there.
I would like to thank everyone who helped and for everyones kind comments. All of us wish we could talk to someone directly involved but that probalby will never happen.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I understand what it is like to lose one of your own.
It was an unfortunate accident. we don't always get the answers that we need.
Most of us on this site involve ourselves in disussions like these to learn from unfortunate events and use any knowledge gained to prevent future tragedies. I hope any friends or family that may read this will understand that. I also hope we can continue to respect the loss in future posts.
my condolences to his friends, family, and brother officers.....
Very true, nice post. :thumb:

We do have a separate forum where condolences and remembrances are perhaps better posted: click Passings I don't go there much, it varies; I did today and learned of an old friend I hadn't heard from in a long time - and posted. I wonder if it might be a good idea to move some of these posts to a new thread there so that friends and love ones can pass that link on to others?

As far as to why the loss of such a youngish diver who'd earned his retirement and the right to enjoy life more? Facts will be a long time coming if we ever get any; we often don't - just try to learn what we can from what is given here. From the reports given, as long as his equipment and tank air checks out okay - as I certainly expect it will given the sources of both, it seems fairly safe to speculate it was a medical problem that could have happened anywhere anytime.

warmest regards to family and friends

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