8. The underwater council, while well-meaning, is understaffed, largely volunteer, and lacks any powers to place witnesses under oath, serve subpoenas, or compel testimony. A witness can lie before them with impunity and can refuse any request for information;
9. Based upon the quality information gathered in 8, above, the underwater council issues a twenty to thirty page report on the incident, over 75% of which is fore-matter and appendices which appear in every one of their reports. No one is ever found to be negligent since no one is ever stupid enough to self-incriminate before the council. The verdict is therefore always a medical condition or diving beyond one's abilities (which was hidden from the operator); and
Accident investigation and reporting is not part of, and has never been part of, the AUC mandate.
The AUC has never issued incident reports. Not 20 page ones, not 30 page ones, not even 1 page ones. I have no idea where you got the idea that is something the AUC does.