Diver Death in Cayman

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I agree. This poster seems like more than a disinterested obsever. There's a feeling of agenda in his posts that stirke me. Anyway, don't let him ruin a good and informative thread. I'm learning from all this and I feel other divers are too.

One has to wonder about the motives of the poster when (at worst) he makes things up out of the whole cloth or (at best) insists on the relevance of his own previous unrevealed experience at the dive center by referencing things that are not in evidence. Wondering about the motives of someone who does not come up front and say, "I dove (or worked at, or hung out at) that shop and here's what I observed ..." is perfectly appropriate since they present the appearance of having a hidden agenda that has nothing whatsoever to do with the incident.
I appreciate that, but isn't it enough to discredit the post by pointing to the fact that contradicts the bogus statement? Discrediting the statement should be enough to discredit the poster, especially if it becomes a pattern, without leaping to conclusions about motive.

I do agree, though, that it is honorable/classy to disclose any personal connection to a story that might be seen to create bias and a preference for a particular outcome in spite of facts to the contrary.

guess I am honorable then :) any questions you want to ask please do so and I will answer to the best of my ability but you will of course read all of the thread and all my posts before asking something that's already been mentioned.
By the way it's Midnight in the UK and I am up at 5am so if I don't answer tonight I promise to answer some time tomorrow. :)
I agree. This poster seems like more than a disinterested obsever. There's a feeling of agenda in his posts that stirke me. Anyway, don't let him ruin a good and informative thread. I'm learning from all this and I feel other divers are too.

Mmm perhaps it's a poster with experience in DiveMastering, DiveGuiding, Instructing and with enough experience to make a valid point.
Shill: to advertise or promote (a product, or dive shop, or DM) as or in the manner of a huckster; hustler: He was hired to shill at a new dive shop.]] Pilot's dictionary of the absurd:D


Yup ... he's a shill for the shop. I should have guessed it. Probably used to work there.

The lack of any legal ramifications for the dive center (beyond the problem of breaking the lookout on the boat law) is not justice, that's legality.

If you were the DM involved, I'd look to pull them all.
Hi ScubaSteve,

I am in contact with two people in the Caymans one happens to be a member of staff at DD and I admit is also a friend. I can't give a name as DD are not allowed to discuss this incident. Shame really as I know they are actively reading the thread and really want to speak about the events to clear up some of the more erroneous "facts" that seem to have proliferated throughout the last 29 pages.

Garylee, Are you still in contact with the dive shop? Are they still actively reading the board? Do you know what "erroneous facts" they are referring to because the only facts are the ones I have given and I have been as truthful as possible.Unless Matthew can elaborate or correct me on some of my details like topography, site, actual depth or exact times, because he had a computer on then what I am saying is as close to the facts as I can get.
You are still not "totally up front," you have "second hand experience of this incident" something we only get through the OP and (as far as I know) none of us has a relationship with the OP outside of this conversation. You have an unrevealed source and relationship without the details of which we can not access your creditability.

You've already gone to the point to either make stuff up or to use some mysterious source to reveal things that are contradicted by the OP. If you were interested in the truth you would not do that. Besides, the truth is remarkably simple: a DM took a newbie diver out to a site that he should not have, and lost him. That's the only truth that we've got here, all else is opinion and conjecture. Do you have any "truth" to add to that?

It is frankly my read that your role in this is to cover PADI's ass, cover the shop's ass and cover some bud's ass.
What you probably got was a CO2, carbon dioxide, build up, as I did? You were not expelling enough of the carbon dioxide with stong exhales. You were breathing shallow and rapid, is my guess, as I was. That intensifies narcosis, if you are deep enough, and then you have two things going on. very dark and panic filled. None of this was known to me before it happened to me. I found this out from an instructor when I described it all to him. It is my guess that this might have also happen to the deceased diver, fighting his extra weighting, and panic took hold of him and he lost it. Just a guess.

maybe someone who understand this better than I can explain it better than I did?

Anxiety builds on you and makes it worse. It is my fear that it will take hold of me again when I'm iin a cave and very deep.

Sorry, should have been more clear. That is exactly what it was. I had no idea as well when it happened and chalk it up to the single most frightening experience of my life.

Ahhhh I have that fear in the back of my mind as well. It pushes me to be more cautious and aware especially when doing deeper dives.

How can anyone at DD give any facts? The only member from DD was the DM/Matthew on the boat. And unless that is you. He is not talking. So NO ONE from that shop can clear up any erroneous facts. THEY WEREN'T THERE!
Boy, the energizer bunny has nothing on this thread. Has anyone seen any new official update from the investigation in this incident yet?
You are still not "totally up front," you have "second hand experience of this incident" something we only get through the OP and (as far as I know) none of us has a relationship with the OP outside of this conversation. You have an unrevealed source and relationship without the details of which we can not access your creditability.

You've already gone to the point to either make stuff up or to use some mysterious source to reveal things that are contradicted by the OP. If were interested in the truth you would not do that. Besides, the truth is remarkably simple: a DM took a newbie diver out to a site that he should not have, and lost him. That's the only truth that we've got here, all else is opinion and conjecture. Do you have any "truth" to add to that?

It is frankly my read that your role in this is to cover PADI's ass, cover the shop's ass and cover some bud's ass.

I've been Upfront with my "second Hand source"
you don't like it tough.

PADI don't have any part in this. so why would I want to cover their arse?
If we are talking Divemaster, not DiveGuide then how many agencies have DiveMasters?
So Divers Down is a PADI centre, no barring on guided dives whatsoever.

Never said I've had any contact with the OP.

Tell me what I've made up?
I have no "Bud" involved

But my experience shows me a hell of a lot.

Read my posts and then ask me questions.
I mean all of my posts.

This thread is about how a diver died and how to avoid those circumstances in the future
You can give me as much stick/ grief as you like. I would love to know the truth just as you would.
which is why I went out of my way to let the board know I applied for the autopsy report and would keep the board informed.
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