If we are to dwell for a while on the inadequacies of training might I suggest that we focus on two issues:
- Divers not being trained (appropriately or inappropriately) to "take complete responsibility) for themselves, and/or
- Diving leaders not being properly prepared to be able to effectively lead groups and have them all come back alive.
I've been following this thread since it began, through all of its convulsions, and a lot of good "learning points" have come out of the discussion despite a few "trips and falls" along the way.
Thal's issues listed above pretty much summarize most of what we've already discussed and can continue discuss/debate. Everything else, short of more info becoming available, is off-point I think.
While I have nothing of value to contribute here, I think there may be some more to be learned if the more experienced folks wrap their brains around those two topics.
I'll continue to read with great interest

Best wishes.