Hi there, This was discussed about 800 posts back. There were 3 options if I recall, the two that come to mind were (1) self inflation of BCD and (2) positive buoyancy of an empty tank after being breathed empty.
Best Regards
I apologize, I read the first 20 some pages and didn't see this really covered, now it's out of control and didn't notice it discussed that thoroughly. But....

(1) There are self inflating BCDs that trigger at 346'????
(2) Empty tank of a presumably unconscious diver suddenly becomes bouyant enough to get this diver to the surface that quickly? And if that's the case, would his descent have slowed drastically to get to that point, that seems like it would have been a fairly slow transition of events.
In order to continue to 346' wouldn't one of 2 things had to happen?
(1) He makes it there consciously, inflates and rockets to surface. If so, why would he make it that far, have enough presence of mind to inflate, but not enough to return much sooner?
(2) Looses consciousness prior to 346', presumably much earlier, continues to drop, somehow becomes bouyant and back to the surface in 22 minutes?
I can only guess, but to make it back up he would have had to hit the inflator button at some point to get positively bouyant. I would guess that at his max depth either narcosis or ox-tox would have rendered him unconscious... but perhaps not. I can't remember what the records are for deep air. Several of us commenting in this thread have been pretty deep on air, but not that deep.
But a brand new diver that deep... not sure what to think.
Anyway, he must have retained enough awareness to hit the inflator button at some point before blacking out, may have hit the inflator button then embolized on ascent.... all speculation on my part.
Best wishes.
I know I probably don't sound too bright but, same thing. You get too deep, dementa of some sort sets in, and you suddenly get clarity and hit the eject button?
There's gotta be more to this. I mean really 346' is unfathomable to me, especially for someone that's new, not efficient, and descends fast enough to to make it down that far and make it back up in 22 minutes one way or another all the while being disoriented and/or unconscious.
As for the empty tank, wouldn't he also have an empty BCD and lungs by that point? Don't divers that drowned typically sink or stay at the same depth?
I'm not trying to be negative, just trying to fill in the blanks and since I'm obviously not that well versed, I gotta ask:depressed: