pilot fish:Mods, you can delete this question if it's deemed indelicate. I'm a bit confused on what the exact injuries are? I know she went for a chamber ride but that didn't seem to be an issue, or the main problem. Was it lung expansion? Can that heal so a person can dive again?
You can PM me if it's something not to be discussed at the present time. Sorry if it's been answered and I missed it.
My heartfelt wishes to you and your wife. Soon she will be home and healthy as new. Blessings.
I'm Not in medical field so don't hold me to what I wrote below.
Chamber rides are becoming more and more popular with patients even if they have no pressure related injuries. A lung damaged by water flooding very often is unable to absorb enough oxygen to sustain life. A chamber ride will supersaturate the body with O2 the same way we absorb N2 when diving, and that will compensate for the lung deficiencies, and supply the needed O2 to prevent brain damage.
I think (maby got it wrong) that I have read somewere that very often a stroke victim shows impressive improvement after a chamber ride.
I think that in Maggies case the doctors might have been worried about low O2 in the body and pernament brain damage.
But like I said, don't hold me to it. My statement is speculative at best.
Over expension injuries will usually heal, but will leave a scar. Depending on how big the scar, and where it is the diver might or might not dive again.