Dive report and schedule

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Hey Everybody

It's that time of year again when the weather gods make it tough on us local jersey divers.............It appears at this point that Friday is looking to be the best day of the upcoming weekend to get wet.............Following is last weekends report and this upcoming weeks dive schedule. Come on out and join us!

i All! Despite NOAA's call for small craft warnings we decided to stick our noses out on Saturday morning. Flat calm out of the inlet but I knew we had to stay close to shore. On board was a group from Scuba Connection and a few stray divers willing to give it a try. You could see the saw tooth on the near horizon - I wouldn't even venture out to the Sea Girt Reef. Hugging the shoreline we first headed for the Cadet. My mate tied us in and came up with good news of 20 to 25 foot of vizability. Temps are still close to 65 on top and 60 on the bottom. Warmer than July. Couple of bugs came up. We then decided to head for the Riggies/Helen. I'd never been to this spot before but had a rough set of coordinates and decided to give it a try. Well, with a little bit of searching we found the wreck and tied in. Viz and temps were the same and a few more bugs made it to the surface. Heading back we hugged the shore but you could see the white caps not far off to the east.
On Sunday we had our Arundo trip with a group from wreckvalley.com. We had flat calm seas all the way across the mudhole. It always blows my mind watching the depth sounder drop off to 240 as we travel across the mudhole. When we hit the Arundo the surface viz was crystal. No problem seeing divers down on the carolina line at 20 feet from the surface. Our mate reported viz of 50 foot on the wreck. Amazing. We grilled between dives. On the second dive a large pod of dolphins began buzzing the boat and the divers hanging on the lines. I had reports of dolphins swimming right up to divers and rolling their eyes to check them out. It was really incredible. God's creatures they are. With some hiccups and burps we finished our second dive and pulled the hook. Seas were really beginning to build at this point. The ride home was a bit too exciting with seas breaking over our bow and splashing on our windshield. I would say easy 4 to 6 feet with maybe a 3 second interval in between.
I was glued to the helm for 3 hours beating our way back to Belmar. But once again the Scuba Gods were smiling upon us as we safely sailed into port. Temps on the Arundo were 65 on top and mid to upper 50's on the bottom. Really warm.
I have to heaters onboard the Stingray and just purchased a large thermos for hot coffee. We are running through the end of December with warm cabin and good cheer for all who wish to dive with us over the next few months.

Our Schedule:
Fri 10/27 8am 3 Tank Inshore Spearfishing and Lobstering Dive
Sat 10/28 8am 2-3 Tank Inshore Spearfishing and Lobstering Dive (are some of the WreckRaiders coming?)
Sun 10/29 8am 2-3 Tank Inshore Spearfishing and Lobstering Dive

I have some new coordinates that I want to check out and hope that some of them will really produce.

Call Captain Henrik to reserve 917-836-5354

Tight Lines and Following Seas!

Link: stingraydivecharters.com


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