Thank you and AMEN Christi! I just got home from work (and a very long week it was) and wanted to chill out with a little bit of 'scuba' dreams by looking at the board before my next dive trip. And wow, I have to say, that I am totally blown away! I haven't been a member long enough to experience being chastised (maybe that will happen next?). Nor have I seen anyone being chastised for their choice of dive op (and BTW, who has the right to chastise someone because they like one thing better than another when making their choice?). But come on people, let people post what ever is on their mind. Is it correct? It's for the end-user making the final choice to decide after their own personal experience. Is it biased? Everyone's OPINION is BIASED, otherwise it wouldn't be an opinion. If this forum is about information, then the user, newby or otherwise, should be able to get, or give, whatever information is relevant to them. If someone RELYING on that data (OPINION) want more info, then: send a PM to the person making the post, look at the website of the operation (they all have one) or do further research on their own. I've been diving in a few places (and have dove a few ops in Coz) and I have my favorites. But jeez, diving is fun, why shouldn't talking about it be??? Or to quote someone else here """just my 2psi"""