Fine. I'm offering a low effort alternative to required medical exams. 30 minutes for a swim test and mask clear every 5 years doesn't seem like that large an imposition. And it would be within the current system of self-regulation. No need for the state/State to run it. So you can ignore it if you want just like you can dive now without any certs if you have your own gear and somewhere to fill your tank.No.
No no.
No no NO.
Virtue signaling measure in real terms with no appreciable return WRT safety for the general population. If VIPs created the perception of a money grab (to which I don't subscribe) when it only impacts cylinder owners, think about the outcry for a far more expensive recurrent requirement hung around the neck of ALL divers.
That 90-year-old in front of me doing 45 in the passing lane. Turning left out of the right-hand lane. Culling those kinds of drivers would significantly improve safety for a much much larger population. They did a driver test 65 years back and yet we don't require new approval to drive (or make them drive with a licensed driver over 18 years of age in the front seat (presumably supervising)if they fail the new driver test).
Some things like scuba DO NOT need to be regulated to death.
If I am destined to die of a massive internal fart (heart attack), I'd kind of like it to be on a good dive, in bed with a really hot 20-something female, back on the ground after setting the brakes after a great flight, or maybe on the firing range. Not in a nursing home wheel chair with drool on my bib and a fully loaded diaper.
BTW, most jurisdictions I'm familiar with now do require some sort of recurring competence check for drivers once they reach a certain age. And many offer a way to report apparently impaired older drivers which will trigger a competence check.