I've been over to bonairetalk.com, there is a giant thread going on over there about the SMB's. From what I have gathered of the Mod's posts there, Saftey Sausages are NOT banned.
Apparently, there have been a few, (well hell, let's put it out there)
IDIOTS down there lately, who have tied off SMB's to coral heads etc.
The jist of it was that as long as you don't tie your SMB off too a coral, or weight it and let the weight's on/in a coral, then your fine.
Another poster brought up strobe lights on night dives being left on a sandy bottom to mark an exit. The mod posted back that it was fine.
Apparently some people just don't understand (what I think is common sense) DO NOT TOUCH THE REEF! Period, end of story. If you don't touch with you, or any part of your, or any of your gear then your fine, and not breaking any laws.
The thread over on BT then goes on with first hand accounts of diver's behaving badly... Among the more interesting posts (summary):
Tacktile Diver - someone with gloves grabbing from coral to coral, pulling herself along the reef
Ski Diver - Apparently there were a couple of divers using metal Ski Poles to enter the water...
Seahorse Photo Diver - Who harrased a seahorse to the point that another poster decided to pull his dive knife on this guy and threaten to cut this guy's hose. (If you know the thread, you'll see where I about had an anurism and tried to point out that this was Assault with a Deadly Weapon / Aggravated Assault)... ANYWAY - I personally feel in this case BOTH parties had wrong doings, mr. I want my photo op, probably should have had his gear "stored" for him (as I've heard this has happened a few times to various people). Mr. James Bond-Thunderball, should have stopped short of pulling his knife.
Time to head to work!