From reading the posts so far, it's fairly obvious that those of us who dive the Monterey area regularly know this is one of the best diving destinations in the world. Personally, I built my retirement home on Little Cayman only to discover I like diving here much more than in the Cayman Islands. That house sits empty 11 months out of the year now.
But let me offer another perspective, one the poll was trying to capture. As a Monterey area dive shop owner, I organize a lot of divemaster-led guided dives for visitors from out of the area. The average person taking such a tour has never dived in cold water and probably has never dived from shore. He may have a big stack of certification cards, but the odds are high he can't even put his own fins on. He might show up with his 3mm wet suit and ask if that is enough, then insist all he needs is 10 pounds of lead. When he goes to put his gear together, about half of the time he puts the 1st stage on backwards and tries to screw the yoke nut into the valve face. And guess what: he has a perfectly miserable time diving, all thanks to the lousy equipment, lousy visibility, cold, surge, etc., etc. I cannot count the number of times I have had to tow a customer back to shore because fear of the water so incapacitated him that he couldn't do anything for himself.
The exception seems to be the European visitors. By and large, they do have cold water experience and generally know what they're doing. I often hear them exclaim, "That was the greatest dive I've ever done!" And I guess that's what keeps me doing it. Every time I take a first-timer out and watch his face light up when the see the big corynactus stands on Granite Point Wall or see somebody fascinated by all the giant rose anemones as we skip from peak to peak on our way back from Lone Metridium, it makes it all worthwhile. But then the next tour I take out turns out to be a whiner who is in utter disbelief when I explain he's going to have to surface swim for 100 yards. Oh well. At least we locals know what we have here!