George's switch schedule on the WKPP site is NOT the
one I reference in my posts (12 hrs RGBM deco = actual WKPP
deco) and in my books (TDID, RGBM In Depth, Basic Deco
And Apps). This one is nominal with a switch to EAN50 at 70 fsw.
See TDID, RGBM in Depth, Basic Deco And Apps for details
WKPP, C & C (us) and others have used many switch
schemes off basic trimixes. Most of us now ride He as far
as logistics allow to the surface before switching to pure O2.
Deep switches to nitrox DO not occur. And switch dynamics
look like an RB with constant (as small as possible) N2 levels.
N2 is the devil's gas and we avoid it like the plague.
Back to George's WKPP schedule on the site. We have
generated it with RGBM by:
1) -- increasing the amount of separated phase tolerated
(larger than the usual amount fixed by maximum likelihood
in RGBM parameter space)
2) -- decreasing the number of bubble seeds excited off the
micronuclei distribution (again, away from maximum
likelihood fits to the nominal RGBM).
So, as Dr D hints, if we could correlate data underscoring
reduction in micronuclei under rather static deco, we could
then fold that into RGBM. I have no doubt this mechanism
plays into deco diving thru tribonucleation. I just need
data to pinpoint the cross correlation. Getting that data is
tough in real divers.
George has the RGBM calc that corresponds to the schedule
on the WKPP site. And I "published" some time ago to
the deco and techdiver lists (sent it as a mass emailing).
Great questions, and this is really getting at the core
of where modern deco modeling stands, and is able to
reflect real dynamics (not just curve fitting).
Bueno, and cheers,
Bruce Wienke
Program Manager Computational Physics
C & C Dive Team Ldr