dive computer dilemmas

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A dive computer maximizes your dive by providing you as much time as possible by factoring in your depth and time in a way that is much more favorable towards longer bottom times than the best calculations a human can do based on a more square or sawtoothed dive profile because a dive computer takes many more calculations, much more frequently.

I've got no problem with that. I always dive with a computer unless I know that gas is going to be my only limitation in which case of often give it a rest.

An AI goes a step further and determines if your remaining gas is the limiting factor in your remaining divetime and if so determines how long that gas will last based on your SAC and current depth and continuously updates that information as you change depth and breathing rate. By allowing the AI computer to do that work for you, you're freed up to enjoy the dive, therefore "maximizing" the experience in terms of enjoyment and time.

Now I understand. I guess I am perfectly happy working out rock bottom as a function of depth in advance during planning and retrieving that value if I need it. Usually, I am just not interested in cutting my dives close enough that it ever really matters. Too bad it does not consider your buddy's emergency air requirements as a variable of depth and SAC. But I guess that would just allow you to do really long ascents as long as your buddy has no problems. Or you get to the point where you have to decide if you want to "maximize" your dive during the ascent or get into an SI mode to "maximize" your off-gassing for the next dive. Sure does seem like a lot of $$$ for so little additional capability. And then add on top of that, the cost of going hoseless!!!! I guess if you've got it to burn, you might as well.
I used to be very critical about wireless AI, but I picked up a cheap transmitter for my Suunto on eBay and it becomes surprisingly addictive very quickly...

Is it the future? It will probably never be completely ubiquitous, but I don't doubt they will become more popular.

Do you need one? Absolutely not. But as I said, once you have one, you do really start to like it.

Second that. Ive got an AI comp and its simplified my diving.

Still have an SPG but its clipped to by BC and I dont even notice it. It is good however to quickly flash a buddy so they know where we are at as opposed to a computer screen where they might not know where to look.
Too bad it does not consider your buddy's emergency air requirements as a variable of depth and SAC.

In fact some of the newer AI computers allow you to monitor multiple transmitters, ideal for instructors and their students, and buddies.

Of course you need to be close enough to get a reading from the other diver's transmitter.
... Veo is DSAT, you may see whether you'd like more conservatism (like RGBM, and then a cheap suunto gekko would be nice).....

The new Veo family (3.0 2.0 1.0) has dual algorithm so you can decide how conservative you want to dive
In fact some of the newer AI computers allow you to monitor multiple transmitters, ideal for instructors and their students, and buddies.

Of course you need to be close enough to get a reading from the other diver's transmitter.
I really don't see hoseless AI computers being that useful for an instructor checking on student gas supplies. If the instructor is close enough to get a wireless signal, then he's close enough to request that the student "tell" him how much gas is left. Relying on this old-fashioned method will instill in students good habits with regard to checking the SPG at regular intervals. Furthermore, it gives them practice communicating by hand signals under water.

Monitoring multiple transmitters could be a useful feature for buddies, I guess. Generally I'll just sneak a peek at my buddy's SPG when we're diving. Not a big deal really.
The new Veo family (3.0 2.0 1.0) has dual algorithm so you can decide how conservative you want to dive

Yes, but that conservative algorithm option looks like it will barely let you get wet.
Yes, but that conservative algorithm option looks like it will barely let you get wet.

I agree with you. The graphs for the conservative algorithm are far beyond the range of anything else, even Suunto. I don't understand why they went to such an extreme.

i am considering getting the Oceanic Veo 3.0 dive computer, seems pretty user friendly, but people/shop owner/instructors are trying to tell me that the wireless air integrated dc's are the way to go, so then i would choose the oceanic VT3, so i guess what i am asking, is it worth spending $900 bucks cdn on an air integrated computer, when the Veo 3.0 is $500 and seems like it would do me just fine?? Does anybody have these computers and whats their opinion??:confused:

I have been fortunate enough to work for numerous operators with Apollo AV-1 scooters. Every wireless computer I have seen used with Apollo AV-1 scooters has had no communication with the transmitter when the scooter motor is on.

Will your wireless computer even display the time of day when the signal is lost? None of my guests wireless computers showed anything without the signal; no tank pressure, no depth, no remaining NDL time, no temp, nothing, a blank face.

How long does it take to reacquire the signal after shutting down the scooter? Some of my guests had to wait quite a long time for the computer to come back on. Kind of sucks near the end of a dive.

Until that kind of interference does not shut the communication down I will not use wireless, and even when it does work during that kind of interference I will have an analog gauge as back up.

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