Thanks for the thorough report Rick - this is the part I choose to hear right now!!
How about a nice soothing abdominal breath and some relaxation!
I checked Veteran's Park this afternoon. Surf was about 18 inches on glassy water. You just never really know. If it's that calm tomorrow afternoon, I'll be diving there Wednesday night.
(Last Thursday I saw the first clutches of squid eggs of the season, between 65 and 85fsw... very cool. Only one squid so far

, and it was being consumed by a pink scorpion fish until our lights scared the begeezus out it... and the squid, too!! Poor thing gave us such a stink-eye as it refused to take back the coughed-up cephalopod.
Sorry!!! Didn't mean it... we'll just slink away guiltily now...)
As for the boat dive on the 28th: If the conditions are manageable for the crossing, we'll get there and dive. NOBODY can give realistic odds right now, so what's the point in conjuring and imagining. We show up. If it's good, we go. If it isn't, we go to breakfast.
Beach diving? Same thing!
I REALLY like Rick Inman's idea:
Lousy Mainland Shore diving conditions? Hey, I'm going to Avalon! Nothing like the jet powered Catalina Express to take the roll out of a rough crossing.
Part of the magic of diving is being in the moment and making the best of what there is. Because, REALLY, no one ever
KNOWS what's going to happen. And that's the way it should be.

Don' Worry! Dive Happy if we can!
Think good thoughts about your local ocean
