You know, there's another thread running about different "views." Well, I have to conclude that there are for sure different views of staying alive and well while diving. . . Hope someone worthy doesn't get hurt trying to rescue you.
This is a beautiful post, worthy of reading and rereading. Having been guilty of failing THREE specific check times before my half-empty tank episode, I can't really explain why it happened -- it wasn't from a gradual erosion of care. It was an acute episode, but a wake-up call.
As far as debriefing the DM, I don't really understand this. Does anyone think that, given what was said in the original post, that DM didn't understand the gravity of what she had done, and intend to correct the problem? I don't think reporting her to her superiors would make that any better. If she had blown the diver off and said it was no big deal, that's different. But someone who is repeatedly apologizing is aware of her offense.