Laidback, casual and unhurried, while still being professional and safety conscious. Check-in time is a leisurely 7:30AM, and yesterday they served lunch after the second dive and were in no hurry to get back to the ramp. I've never seen anybody ever working the boat other than Captain John and DM Emi. They both clearly love what they are doing.
For lunch after the 2nd dive they went well back out into the channel to get near a couple pods of whales and seemed to content to just lounge around for as long as anybody wanted to hang out there. We didn't get back to the ramp until 1PM or so. John did check with one guy that was answering messages on his cellphone to make sure that he didn't have a specific time that he needed to be back at the ramp.
As I've posted several times in threads on dive operators in Maui, there are lots of good dive ops with a wide variety of styles. For example, B&B checks in at 5:45AM, has a fast boat, and gets back to the dock first. B&B is great for a vacationer with a non-diving spouse since you still have the rest of the morning and all afternoon for doing topside sightseeing. Dive and Sea Maui due to the later check-in and doing things at a slower pace takes up much more of the day. Having a variety of choices in good operators is wonderful.