Discovery Channel

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In the Navy. the old timers used to mess with the new guys with lots of of them was the Sea-Bat Gag.

You pump the newbies up bey telling them stories of the elusive sea bat. Then one night someone comes through the berthing compartment saying that they caught one on the flight deck....Newbies rush off to see this first hand.

Arrive on the flight deck to find two or more guys standing around a box with brooms...nudging and poking at the box. The box is face down. that is how they caught the Sea bat, Of course it is.... and now they are standing guard so it won't get away.

They ask the newbie if they'd like a look.
Of course they do. SO the Newbie bends over to take a look and just as the newbie is lift the edge of the box they smack em in the rear end with the broom... and start screaming that the sea bat is getting away.....most people catch on....but a few it take a few smacks before they get and then there are some...the few, the proud...who never get it...These guys spend years believing in the sea the old timers perpetuate the myth and keep the trick going year after year.

Same thing with the baracuda/jewlery thing...some of that stuff is the old timers yanking the newbies chain and somewhere the joke gets lost and the myth becomes a media fact....NOT.
Makes you laugh doesn't it? I do.. I can't help it. Peoples expressions say a lot when they dive with me to.. they stare at my necklace and watch and think I'm insane. :)

Right on :)

Actually, Colin, the folks who believe the thing about barracudas and jewelry look at your nipple rings and think you're insane. ;)

But I digress...
so barracuda are not attracted by shiny things?
Makes you laugh doesn't it? I do.. I can't help it. Peoples expressions say a lot when they dive with me to.. they stare at my necklace and watch and think I'm insane. :)

I think they're staring more at your nipple rings when they think that. I do. ;)

so barracuda are not attracted by shiny things?

I'll plead ignorance as to barracuda behavior. I don't wear shiny things in the water, though. (Actually I don't wear shiny things above the surface, either, come to think of it.)

I was just commenting on Colin's jewelry...

OK - Grier beat me to it due to my slow typing skills. But I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought that. :D

I understand your point and 'feel your pain' however you have to remember who is broadcasting the show. I like the Discovery Channel and I think their programming has some great content, but I do watch with a grain of salt. There is always some slant or spin on the information being their opinion on something or entertaining their viewers at the expense of actual fact. Not good but it happens and should be expected. It should also be noted that TV programs should spark an interest in something and not be ones sole source of information on a subject.

What is 'ideal' and what is 'reality' rarely are one in the same. I applaud you for trying to change things but don't get your hopes up.

I would have to agree with your comments on Discovery Channel and it's programming. On the upside, my kid would have never gotten interested in marine biology, sharks specifically, if it hadn't been for Shark Week programming. As a budding marine biologist, the next logical step was learning to dive.

Now she watches Shark Week with a critical eye and then researches on line to find out what is exagerated and what isn't. Two years ago for Christmas, she asked for three marine biology books on sharks and the NOAA Diving Manual
This year she wants guides to tropical marine life.
I admire those of you who can actually love a shark! My husband and I have very different views when it comes to this species. He, can't wait to get close to one. I on the other hand, rather see them at the seaquarium behind a big thick shatter proof glass. The Science Channel is a popular one at home. However, come shark week, all the girls in our house me included dread this time of year (shark week!!!). Last year was a year that I was glad I sat through a SHARK WEEK (Anatomy of a shark bite),when respected scientist and advocate for sharks, Dr. Eric Ritter, was documenting shark behavior and was attacked, and bitten by a Bull Shark (his favorite type of shark). Yes there was chum in the water and he had been in the water for some time, but it only goes to prove that when in the water, no matter for how long, you are in their territory. Therefore you are subject to being prayed upon. I have great respect for them and I love to dive but every time I go into the water It's the one thing I don't mind "not seeing".
I can't say that I've ever had problems. I have 3 small hoop silver earrings... I'm sure they are as close to looking like scales as anything else.

that's exactly what i was told, that shiny things look like
the scales of fish, so it attracts the barracuda, who investigates.

now, "attract" is not the same thing as "provoke an attack."
once they figure out it's not a fish, or so i have heard,
they hang around until they get bored.

the biggest danger with 'cudas, as i understand it, is that
they'll confuse a shiny thing or a arm or a leg for a thrashing
fish, and they'll attck, but by mistake. this happens in low vis. the other big problem is with spearfishermen,
who will get their fish (and sometimes parts of the bodies) bitten off by a barracuda.

i have also read that they see their reflections on your mask
and come over to investigage.

i've been around tons of barracuda, by the way, and never
had a problem. one time, i was on an anchor line literally
sorrounded by barracuda, who kept eyeing me. i kept
hoping everything i've read about them was true. lol,
turned out ok.

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