Can a disabled diver get certified thru DIR? If not then this is a disadvantage for the disabled. Discrimination too, kind of like the no smoking rule. Heck I don't even smoke.
#450 and counting
It's not discrimination to exclude a person from participating in a class if the person is not capable of performing the essential functions needed to pass the course.
If they are capable of performing the skills, then there's no issue since there would be not be excluded. They would be evaluated the same as any other student.
Of course, this assumes that GUE classes are even subject to the provisions of the ADA or the state law cognates, which they probably aren't.
As for the smoking issue, smokers are not a protected class that fall within the scope of any anti-discrimination law anywhere in the country. GUE can take whatever position they wish on this issue with no fear of reprisal whatsoever.
It constantly amazes me that people get this wrapped around the axle over DIR. It's a system that appeals to many people, but not to everyone. That's fine because it's not intended to appeal to everyone. It's designed for people who accept GUE's methods.
The guy I take GUE classes from believes in the system and has relied upon it to execute some serious dives (WKPP and Britannic, for example). However, I believe him when he states that he is not trying to force anyone to dive a particular way. Instead, he offers advise and teaches courses to people who have asked him to do so.
Personally, I'd rather evaluate a dive buddy based upon their skills, attitude, equipment and personality than upon the number of GUE courses they've taken. I'd be more likely to perform a challenging dive with a GUE diver simply because our training would be similar. However, I'd rather dive with someone I trust who has never taken a GUE course than with a Tech II diver with an attitude problem and a history of issues.