Fellow in the middle picture changed his mind, fellow in the last picture should have.O-ring:Where are you "real" divers diving that the conditions are so much more challenging than offshore Virginia Beach and Ocean City?

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Fellow in the middle picture changed his mind, fellow in the last picture should have.O-ring:Where are you "real" divers diving that the conditions are so much more challenging than offshore Virginia Beach and Ocean City?
O-ring:Damn..make a few trips to North Carolina and Florida and you get branded a warm water weenie..
Where are you "real" divers diving that the conditions are so much more challenging than offshore Virginia Beach and Ocean City?
Uncle Pug:Fellow in the last picture changed his mind.![]()
Nope, I could have done her, but I had to exercise option #1 on that dive because I couldn't find a buddy I was comfortable with to go on the trip with me. We were diving the Marine Electric the last time I was in OC and are diving her again next month.Viscya:Ocean City... Do you dive in a bikini? Is that DIR?
Tell me you did the Bow Mariner.... Then I'm impressed.
Hey UP, is that good 'ole Deception Pass??Uncle Pug:Fellow in the middle picture changed his mind, fellow in the last picture should have.![]()
Yas'm... wanna dive it next spring?O-ring:Hey UP, is that good 'ole Deception Pass??
Ugh.. I'll make you a deal. You get somebody to sink something in it and I'll come dive it...Uncle Pug:Yas'm... wanna dive it next spring?
And I finally figured out it isn't the place to do decompression diving.
I tend to burn the clothes every time I try to use the irony.Uncle Pug:Jerry, sometimes I use irony.