What does it matter who did what and who is/was the better diver in this group?
The fact of the matter is that we all have strong opinions on how to dive. We all feel insulted when someone with equally strong opinions calls us out for something that we believe in.
Obviously Mr. Main and Mssrs. Jablonski and Irvine have had a falling out. Just as obviously, Jarrod Jablonski and George Irvine used many of Bill Main's ideas for configuration. From what I know of the earlier divers, George Irvine may be and probably is correct on Bill Main's buddy skills. At that time, according to my books, diving was a rough and tumble sport. Many of the earlier divers were solo divers and felt that if you truly belonged in a potentially hazardous situation, you had better be capable of self-rescue. So they weren't going to worry about you. To me, let these guys go after each other on the internet! In the meantime, take the best that each has to offer and let us try to integrate into our own "skills package". One of the major appeals to DIR from what I understand is the buddy awareness that is preached.
Little (expletive deleted, sorry but I can't think of a good way to say it) contests like what is observed with Mr. Irvine and Mr. Main here are one of the main things that I think about when I learn more about diving. Please, don't let me be as nasty to anyone or treat former friends the way that these guys do with each other! The worst part of it: the more I learn about diving, the worst that the outright verbal abuse between participants gets. This is ridiculous! We all have different opinions and those opinions change as we grow into the sport. These opinions do NOT have to (nor should they) degenerate into shouting matches, name calling, and sarcasm like they seem to here (and this is TAME here). Enough already!
Mr. Jablonski very eloquently stated his position. I understand it. Mr. Irvine acted like an intelligent horse's rear. I understand that. That is apparently his personality. I understand that Mr. Main felt a little upset by what he felt was misrepresentation of his system with the first two. Maybe it was misrepresentation, maybe it wasn't. Does it matter at this point? I appreciate the time that these pioneers are spending to make their points.
Personally, I will always be more impressed by the people that just dive within their personal limits and don't feel impressed enough with themselves to not ask somebody new why they do something. Maybe the newbie came up with a better idea or maybe they just need correction. How do you know if you basically challenge the "different" diver to duel immediately with the tone of your question?
Thanks for letting me rant a bit. Sometimes, I think that we all take ourselves a little too seriously, that's all. (Finger points at himself as well).