And here I was feeling sorry for you what with no buddies and just a few holes in the ground to jump into.PerroneFord:OE2X: Thanks for the kind compliment. I may yet get to the PNW, but there are a LOT of waters to ply here in Florida before I start to spend that kind of money venturing to new destinations. One of the magnificent things about Florida, is that it is a divers paradise. From springs and creeks, to coral, to caves, to wrecks. I can get to any style of diving, in under 3 hours drive.

It's o.k rub it in. I can take it.

Uncle Pug and I did a dive today - DIR of course. We had an outstanding 8' of vis. We did see 4 large octos, a few sculpins, a wolf eel and a Red Irish Lord.