DIR or Sorta?

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Scuba Instructor
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For those who think of themselves as primarily following a DIR equipment configuration path, in what, if any, ways do you deviate from strict DIR standards?

For myself, I do not like JetFins (yes, I tried them, no kick to them) so I wear others (currently Mares Quattros). I'm working on putting spring straps on but they're rubber today!

Also, my SPG hose is 36" instead of 30". I bring it around tight to my body and clip it to my front crotch strap d-ring (I don't have a scooter so this ring is open). The reason for this is that I like instant access to my guage without having to do anything except look down. When I had it in the "proper" place I was able to read it without unclipping it but with stage bottles it was a PITA. This way is sweeter for me and the hose does not flap in the breeze at all.

The last thing would be the way I carry my liftbag. I have the Halcyon storage pack so I keep it in there. Running out of the bottom is the bag's strap. Attached to that is a safety spool which is clipped to my rear crotch strap d-ring. The spool is attach to the bag with a "trigger snap", in my opinion the most secure snap type available.

Everything else is strictly to standards. I'd love to hear about innovations and modifications you folks have made.

Also, my SPG hose is 36" instead of 30". I bring it around tight to my body and clip it to my front crotch strap d-ring (I don't have a scooter so this ring is open). The reason for this is that I like instant access to my guage without having to do anything except look down. When I had it in the "proper" place I was able to read it without unclipping it but with stage bottles it was a PITA. This way is sweeter for me and the hose does not flap in the breeze at all.

Thanks Tom, I like the idea, I'm going to try this.

great Idea for a thread. it would be nice if it could stay this way. just good usable information. but I gotta feeling it could turn into the "either you're DIR or your not" . I'll be watching for more good tips. :wink:
Originally posted by Tavi
I gotta feeling it could turn into the "either you're DIR or your(sic) not" . I'll be watching for more good tips. :wink:
Well, now, we could start a thread for good ideas and prohibit and proscribe the use of the term "DIR" at all in the thread, now, couldn't we?
Might learn something...
Rick :) :) :)
heh, yea, there might be a few who do the "you are or you ain't" routine but that's ok. I think very few are following everything completely to the letter. I think we'll get some good ideas here. If not we'll go with Rick's idea :)

Originally posted by Uncle Pug
.... I use zipties.

But on my singles rig I do used o-rings with the zipties for my bolt snaps....

But on my doubles rig.... I just have zipties ;-0
Uncle, I have a suggestion... go down to the local bicycle store & get one skinny and one fat bicycle inner tube. Cut a bunch of "rubber bands" of varying thicknesses (from about 1/8th up to 1/2 inch) from each tube. Just have 'em on hand when puttering around with your gear. They'll find homes in a surprizing number of useful and varied places... combined with zip-ties you can cobble together an amazing array. Try it, you'll like it.
Rick :) :) :)
Originally posted by Uncle Pug
.... I use zipties.

But on my singles rig I do used o-rings with the zipties for my bolt snaps....

But on my doubles rig.... I just have zipties ;-0

I used to use zip-ties, now I use cave line. I also no longer use a breakaway on any of my snaps after getting clarification (by way of G3)that the breakaway was meant only for bailout reg on a rebreather.

I used zips for many years though and never had a problem. Always be sure to use nylon, not plastic and use the type without a metal "tooth" as it will corrode quickly.

Originally posted by WreckWriter
use the type without a metal "tooth" as it will corrode quickly.
The ones with the metal tooth live underneath the rubber innertube on your corrugated inflator hose holding the inflator mechanism on... and your wing inflated.... hopefully...
Originally posted by Rick Murchison
Uncle, I have a suggestion... go down to the local bicycle store & get one skinny and one fat bicycle inner tube.
Shoot Rick... I've even got wheel barrow inner tube cut up in chunks... not to mention SS seizing wire and bundles of duct tape...

It is just that I've got this cool little tool that automatically tensions and then cuts zipties.... it is just so much fun to use that I take it with me everywhere!
Originally posted by Uncle Pug

The ones with the metal tooth live underneath the rubber innertube on your corrugated inflator hose holding the inflator mechanism on... and your wing inflated.... hopefully...

Really? They use those on Halcyons? Ewwww..... Will have to keep an eye on that. One must remember that those folks have their roots in fresh water caves where such a thing would be fine.

At the first sign of rust I'll replace them. I too have the cool little zip-tie zipper tool



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