RE: [gavinscooters] Loaded Question.....
Ricardo, you are correct - the drysuit is not redundant buoyancy and should not be considered that in planning or balancing a rig. This kind of misconception could lead to adding too much fixed weight and then finding out the hard way what happens when you try to use the drysuit as your only source of inflation - it really gets ugly.
By the way, I tried to lift a dead body off of the ocean floor by inflation the drysuit after the bungee wings the person was wearing could not be filled enough without blowing the opv - did not work - the suit got huge and then I realized that if I did get it moving up, it would then run away on me and blow the gas out of the seals. On a live person, the suit becomes unmanageable if the weighting is not right.
On the other hand, with a properly balanced rig and a wing failure with drysuit, once you get up a little, you should not need any significant amount of gas in the drysuit to stay fairly normal. Conversely, if you are overweighted and have a wing failure and can not get rid of any weight, the drysuit may or may not hold its gas at the surface enough to keep you up once you get there, and the process of getting there through any deco stops with a ballooning suit is something that causes major gas consumption and machinations to achieve.
As always, it is just easier to do it right and to do it the simple way.