Originally posted by MikeFerrara
Lets look at a couple of things. A system, and it's application. ok?...snip...
So, there's two things here. There's what you do, and then there's how well you do it. How well you are required to do it during training is indicative of how well you are likely to be able to do it right out of the gate.
This is the famous "bar". I won´t argue that it is set higher in dir-f (though I have no firsthand experience of it). But since dirf is PROGRESSION from OW, that makes perfect sense to me. STILL apples & oranges.
Based only on the things I´ve read about dirf, it seems very similar to my cavern class (IANTD) which is also a "rec class". I think most cavern divers would do ok in a comparison with "post dirférs" (the prereqs are about the same). Definitively if you compare caverndivers with the same number of dives (after the course) as dirf´er who´ve passed the class...
Whether we look at buoyancy control, finning technique, buddy procedures, gas management, emergency procedures...you pick it, GUE is doing it far better than most. There really isn't even much of a comparison and it's not even close.
Because the comparison is unfair...
If you look at any dir-diver and compare him to the avg. recdiver he´ll have (I believe):
-More time with an instructor
-Been taught different skills
-Spent more resources on his diving
-Dives more and more often
-Drills way more
-Has a completely different "mindset" when it comes to his/hers approach to diving
You argue (if I understand correctly) that this is better and because of DIR.
I agree that it is better but believe it is because of the diver. Which, I believe, is why:
Once you move beyond a recreational diving setting...say to the florida caves, you'll see lots of divers using all sorts of different equipment configurations and procedures including solo and sidemount and they can all control their position in the water very precisely and effectively use whatever system they are using...snip
It is the diver, not the system...any diver who has the caracteristics of a "dir-diver" will posses fairly equal skills...you get out what you put in...
You think EVERYONE should be required to "put more in" from the start. The "mainstream agencies " disagree...I haven´t made up my mind yet...