DIR Class: The Truth Comes Out (Again)

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I brought this up. Unless someone bans me again, I'm the only one that can drop this... Since I'm the only one still holding onto it.
You said you were thankful to Pete for being so gracious and forgiving in letting you back. He's told you in public many times that he's not looking to reban you. Why do you keep bringing it up?
How can people write when they're afraid they might write wrong?
Huh - and yet you said you understood?:
Yes, I know it's your board - and yes, I choose to be here, so I must play by the rules. I do.
As a true friend recently told me, "To make friends, you have to be a friend." Even a loner like me knows that statements like this tend to alienate rather befriend folks:
...but y'all have made it clear that you are not my friends. Well - YOU haven't... You've made it clear that we are friends, and for that I am thankful. But 'Doc, the people you elected to police your board don't feel the same way.
You say you know the rules. You say you will abide by them. So why are you so afraid to post a dive class report? You CAN do that without sexual inuendos, insulting or flaming others, can't you?
You said you were thankful to Pete for being so gracious and forgiving in letting you back. He's told you in public many times that he's not looking to reban you. Why do you keep bringing it up?

Pete made it clear to me from the beginning that he wasn't the one who banned me. His mods did.

...What reason is there to believe the same thing won't happen again?

I DO understand. If a mod thinks you're saying something inappropriate, then you're gone - no discussion, no warning, no consideration. That's what's happened in the past, and there's no reason to believe that anything's any different today.

Now, what's "inappropriate" isn't necessarily agreed on by everyone. It varies from culture to culture, region to region, and from person to person. I'm sure you can see the problem, then...

But I'm digressing - I was not banned for inappropriate content or sexual innuendo. I was banned because I "argued" with a moderator and "challenged her authority" - neither of which I am guilty of... That is, unless your "culture" includes, "Awwwww... C'mon... That wasn't that bad..." as a "challenge of authority."

I understand really well... It's their board, and they'll kick you out if they feel like it... And that's the bottom line. Oh sure, they've outlined the rules in the TOS, but RavenC was banned without a violation of TOS... Cobalt was banned without a violation of TOS... And there are others, too. Anyone care to bring up Genesis?

As a true friend recently told me, "To make friends, you have to be a friend." Even a loner like me knows that statements like this tend to alienate rather befriend folks:
You say you know the rules. You say you will abide by them. So why are you so afraid to post a dive class report? You CAN do that without sexual inuendos, insulting or flaming others, can't you?

You know, I'm not sure.

I mean, they're trying awfully hard to find something to be offended about. I can post honestly and straightforwardly... I can give people what I felt and I can tell them what happened. I can hopefully give them words to read that will connect to their souls and communicate to them much more than what the words say individually... I can communicate life - but life isn't always "nice." It's not all cookies and cream. I can make you feel, and I can make you feel what's real... But I can't control the universe.

...So you as the reader have to make a choice: Do you want to be touched or not? Do you want reality or fantasy? Do you want the whole thing, or do you want some sort of homogenized, filtered version of the truth, with all that *I* think is bad taken out? What if what *I* think is bad isn't, at least in your opinion?

...Which is why I bring all of this up here. Look - I don't expect y'all to understand... But I didn't open this thread to bellyache. I opened myself to you, the ambiguous reader, and poured out to you. That's how I write. That's my "flavor" and why what I write sounds different than what others write.

What came out of me was an expression of fear - the last time I opened my mouth, I lost the privilege of being here. Now it's expected that I could do the same, but not see the same results?

How could you expect someone to share with you those very personal things after y'all yelled at him and threw him out... For expressing himself? I said, "Awwww... C'mon..." and two weeks later I was gone. Now y'all want "the good stuff?"

What am I, crazy?

I opened this thread because I thought I could do it. What came out of me was, "Wait a minute... You REALLY should keep your mouth shut..."

...Which, as anyone who knows me could tell you... Isn't my style. :D

...And insults like the last couple of posts don't help.
I mean, they're trying awfully hard to find something to be offended about.
Don't know who "they" are, but I'm actually pretty hard to offend. Even so, I found your quite descriptive post far, far over the line of innapropriateness, and I wasn't even a mod yet :11:

So SeaJay, obviously it's your choice. If you feel you cannot adequately express yourself or "be yourself" when you post (as you seem to have done quite adequately the past couple of days), then perhaps you are correct in saying you shouldn't post at all.

With that, I'll bow out of this one and take your advice to yourself...
"Wait a minute... You REALLY should keep your mouth shut..."
Administrator's note: Genesis was never banned, although he would like the board to believe that lie. Karl demanded that all of his posts be removed because I will not allow him (or anyone) to infer that learning OW and/or Cave diving can be accomplished without an instructor. He got upset over this safety issue and has taken his toys and gone home. Don't blame me or the board for his childish antics. While he is perfectly willing to send people into an overhead environment without the benefit of an instructor, I am unwilling to have their blood on my or the board's hands. For the record, his posts are still there, but only he and the moderators can still access them. This can be easily reversed on his request.

I will not respond to the other lies and insinuations in the posts. My previous posts have said it all. However, I do not want the readers to come away thinkng someone was banned when they were not. More lies and delusions will not help here.

BTW, since there has been no report, I have taken the credit to move this thread to the Whine and Cheese forum.
The title of this thread caught my attention because I thought I was going to read a report. However, the author of the post made me hesitate to open it. It's nice to know my instincts are still right on. Post a report about diving and move on. The majority ..LCD?...really doesn't care about the rest. I keep getting this image in my mind...something like a dog with a bone that doesn't want to give it up. The post at this point really belongs in the Whine and Cheeze forum.
He got upset over this safety issue and has taken his toys and gone home.
I wasn't very active here while "all of the banning" was going on, but I did notice quite a few people simply step off the face of the Earth since March.
Due to a sockpuppet problem, one of the local boards switched to Yabbs, and Karl either never registered, or has been keeping a low profile. I also haven't seen any activity from him on TDS.
Karl and I have talked extensively about the subject of the boards as a whole. We've done a bit of diving together (Karl's a spectacular diver) and spent some time BSing. It's amazing what can come from a person when the online persona is dropped and the real person is allowed to surface.

Karl's frustrated. He's especially frustrated with this board, and specifically with the situation that happened between him and NetDoc. Now, both of these guys are friends of mine... So I didn't take sides.

Karl basically told me the same story that 'Doc did... No doubt from his own perspective. The bottom line is that Karl's chosen to take his excellent skills, his own gear, his own Hatteras, and his own fill station and go diving without those people he finds abrasive. And let me tell you - that's a loss on both sides.

I can't comment on the Genesis/Scubaboard situation... I truly don't know everything there is to know... But my impression is that the truth lies halfway between the two stories I've heard. Genesis asked for his posts to be removed, and effectively, that's what's been done. 'Doc and Gen appear to disagree on the subject of training. Gen says that training can be found elsewhere besides through an official class, and 'Doc is hearing Gen say that it's okay for people to dive beyond their training. 'Doc says that everyone needs to be trained before attempting a certain dive, and Gen's hearing him say that it must be training of the formal sort only.

I personally think they're splitting hairs... They both agree that a diver needs training - it's just that Gen says that the training can come from experience and book knowledge, and that's not "formal" enough for 'Doc to be comfortable having those comments on this board (a liability issue).

..But that's not the first time 'Doc and Gen have gone head-to-head. And when anyone goes head-to-head with the owner of a board, that person's gonna be leaving the board - in Gen's case, by choice. In my case, not by choice.

...But that's my point exactly - it's said that "When the government has it's boot to your throat, it doesn't matter if it's the left one or the right one." This, I find, is no different. Whether Gen chose to go or not is "symantics." The point is that it's this board's focus to create policies to drive away the most vocal of posters. The latest news is that the policies for getting rid of people have been concreted... And for that, we're supposed to be happy. My point is that there's something wrong when the board's focus is to oust it's members, period. It doesn't matter how they do it.

Despite what y'all think, this thread has not gone according to plan. I got on here and wrote the subject line and planned on writing a second Fundies class report. I chose the forum and the title based on my previous Fundies report. In fact, I almost resurrected the original thread instead of starting a new one.

...But when I opened my mouth, what came forth was a commentary on how difficult it was to write after being banned and reinstated. I wrote, and then pressed the "submit" button anyway because I thought it'd purge it all... You know, get rid of it so that I could write my report. Remember, I've been holding this stuff inside for many months - I never got the opportunity to defend myself or comment on what I'd done wrong and why I was banned.

I accept full responsibility for my actions... But there's a residual problem with the punishment. I feel like a child that's been scolded for backtalking to his parents. Unfortunately, the punishment was being thrown out of the house - and now that I've been "let" back in, I'm expected to have a new, completely open relationship with that parent that expelled me. That wouldn't happen in real life, and it doesn't happen on this board.

...So when we all sit down to dinner and I say, "I passed my Fundies course," and y'all say, "Hey,congratulations... Tell me about it," expect me to look you in the eye and say, "It was fine. I'm happy with my performance, and I passed, but I still need a lot of work." That's pretty much the extent of the lines of communicaion.

I'll put the report together this weekend... But don't expect an open line of communication. Don't expect a personal, emotional, private account of what I went through.

...Which is a huge loss. It's a huge loss to the board, and it's a huge loss to me. I want to share that. That's who I am. That's what I felt. How much more personal can ya get?
I also haven't seen any activity from him on TDS.
Karl registered under a different name on TDS but he doesn't post there anymore.
Karl registered under a diferent name on TDS but he doesn't post there anymore.
His status is Banned
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