Its common. I have both an Alum plate and a SS plate.Adobo:Exactly. And I am not sure how common this would be but in my case, I also had to get a different backplate. So the singles rig that I bought thinking that I would be able to reuse (stainless steel plate + wing) sits at home unused when I am diving doubles.
My Alum plate is my double 130 and warm water wimp single tank plate.
My SS plate is my double 80's and my cold water single tank plate.
I have 6 regs, most of which sit on my shelf for most of the time.
But all of it gets used at some point.
But....I do have 2 Jacket BC's and about 3 sets of fins that are in my closest with no hope of redemption

Ahhh...its good to let the thread evolve naturally.Adobo:Edit: Apologies if what I am "contributing" is not relevant to the point of the thread.