Doc Intrepid:
Go easy on the slams... )
I don't mean to slam. I was responding to a post from a fellow member.
Doc Intrepid:
I doubt many reputable dive instructors deliberately sell less than optimal equipment and junk. Some do, perhaps. But likely not the majority.
I am not talking about conventional BC's and unbalanced regs. I agree there is a place for them in diving. I also believe because of the liability issue that no brand name manufacture would sell poor quality (junk) dive gear. In fact I think the dive industry is better than most industries in producing quality products. What I am refering to is lies told to sell gear and produce commissions. For example:
1. Telling me if I add a delta 1 octo to my conself 21 reg I will have a class A reg. Never noticed any difference between either second stage going down to 80 ft. Although I don't generally suck a tank dry.
2. You need the expensive scubapro log book instead of the cheap one. I forgot the reason for this.
3. You need the expensive defog instead of the cheaper kind because the cheaper one will sting your eyes. I have used many brands of defog and none have ever stung my eyes.
4. You need the expense dry snorkle rather than the cheap one you are using. Snorkles are not used for diving, in fact the DIR book advises against them because they represent an entaglement hazzard.
5. You need a quick release snorkle clip. It broke after my second dive and I lost the expensive snorkle. Luckily my buddy came up with it because he saw it floating down. When I went to purchase another clip the person behind the counter laughed and asked why would you need one and showed me how to attach the snorkle correctly.
These are the things I am talking about. Actually the dive instructor refered to the US Divers Equipment as junk. Even though it was bottom of the line I found it worked well and was reliable. I don't think he got full commissions on sale items.
Doc Intrepid:
But that's a function of using the right tool for the job, not of either tool necessarily being 'junk'.
I refer use the word junk to refer to equipment that is not needed. Personally, I would rather see a diver spend money on a better reg or more lessons than useless stuff.
Also I forgot to mention the amount of attention you received in the OW class was directly proportional to how much equipment you bought from the instructor.
Also you are right that most dive shops are reputable, I have never been to one as bad as the first one. By the way it was a chain store that was quite popular in Florida for a while then went out of business.