Wouldn't it be more logical to somehow measure one's capacity to transfer o2 into the blood rather than a blanket, "no smoking" rule? I would guess that residents of Manila or Jakarta or Mexico City who don't smoke, breath as much monoxide, second hand cigarett smoke and other noxious gases, as someone living on the Big Island of Hawaii who smokes 4 or 5 cigaretts a day.
My point it that if it's truly safety DIR and GUE is concerned with, it's not an effective means for screening potential problems. It may help but it is prejudiced and not 100% accurate. I guess you could say it's not DIR.
My point it that if it's truly safety DIR and GUE is concerned with, it's not an effective means for screening potential problems. It may help but it is prejudiced and not 100% accurate. I guess you could say it's not DIR.