DIN valve plugs + pressure = BAD

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Boston, MA USA European refugee
Was unloading my tanks today at home. Accidentally turned on the valve of one of them as I was putting it down, which still had a plastic DIN valve plug in it.

The air hissed through it for about a second (there is a small hole in the middle) before the core of the plug blew out with a huge "POP" (one of my ears is still ringing 2 hours later)...luckily the pieces only hit me in the arm and chest....just a deep wound on my forearm, cut on my upper arm, a hole ripped in my t-shirt and a bruise on my chest.

Just thankful it was my arm/chest and not my face....
Got any photos of the busted plug?

Always wondered what would happen, never been game to try it out in anger. I think Trident or another company actually recalled a bunch of plugs for a similar reason, but I'm not sure if they were plastic or delrin.
I'm glad to hear that you are ok. I also recommend the stainless steel ones. I've been using them for a year now with no problems. I had the experience of hitting the valve on with the plug in before as well, but with the stainless steel plug it held just fine with a hiss of air to let me know it was on.
Uncle Pug:
Agreed. If you are going to use DIN plugs use the SS ones... or nothing.

Where I can I find these?
A stainless plug will also protect the valve to some extent if the tank is dropped and lands on the valve. A plastic one will not with the result that the DIN opening will be distorted and the valve will need to be scrapped.

There really is no point to plastic DIN plugs.

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