Did you ever watch Rocky and Bullwinkle?

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Chicagoan living in Texas
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
Sometimes, somehow, I forget how old I am. Imagine that!
I was told my new advatar looks mean.
The sweet person who told me that, never heard of the villian Natasha ..
of Natasha and Boris fame.
Have you?
Yes, Natasha, I had noticed that! LOL
Was that on the Avatar list? I hadn't noticed it before.

Being a card-carrying member of the Baby-Boomer generation, yes, I do remember Bullwinkle and Rocky...and the Flintstones, the Jetsons (I always wanted a door chime like the Jetsons had), Top Cat, Beanie and Cecil, the Banana Splits, Johnny Quest (who was also a scuba diver, remember?), Underdog....

Am I dating myself enough yet? ;)
LOL, we now know why your so mean. :) i'm 50 years young so yes i remember the show and loved it many years back. they dont make them now like they did when we were kids. :)

LOL Nope, she's not on the advatar list..yet. Would anyone else want her?
I'm glad someone else remembers the show. It came on after school at 4PM in Chicago and we were glued to it. Afterwards were the Flintstones, and we were still glued.
Now for the Jetson's..here's my story.
When I first came to Houston, and saw all these fancy high rise tollways.. I started singing the song.
I always call the Sam Houston tollway the George Jetson. Ha!
Yes, they sure don't make 'em like they used to.
Great show. Watched it as a kid.
Bullwinkle: "Rocky, Rocky, help me!!"

Rocky: "Again??"
Sure I watched it, how's Boris doing.....
Do you remember Herman and Katnip? If you do then you know why I choose the mouse for my avatar.
Who? :D :D :D

Yes I remember them.


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