DH Regulator Service Course?

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Bryan Pennington, owner of Vintage Double Hose passed away last October.

The store is closed. His friend Rob (@1969ivan1) is trying to fill some of the vintage community parts needs (at The SCUBA MUSEUM).

At the moment the VDH website is just as Bryan left it. The message-board is still functional, but there not much activity.

We do not know what the future is for VDH website. But, we are hoping that the entire VDH website can be archived in a form that the content can be searched so that it is not all lost in the future.

You can still download all the catalogs and manuals and we recommend you down load them all. You will find a lot of great information there, including lots of stuff about your Conshelf and other stuff.
Thank You so much Luis, I truly wanted to contact Bryan as I was trying to find out how to adjust a Waterlung Dual-Air I got on eBay. I bought Rob’s. It is absolutely superb. He wasn’t sure if you or Bryan did the work on that one. Between the hurricane and Bryan’s passing I just ran into a stroke of bad luck. simonbeans recommended Fred Roberts Basic SCUBA 2nd edition and that is what I needed. I have spent a little time with Rob and Barb in N. Florida as I was passing through on a ‘family’ excursion and to scatter my wife’s ashes in St. Joseph’s Sound. They are a ’Really Super‘ couple and we stay in contact. Allan and Alec Pierce as well whom I may see if all goes well in a few days.

I feel that I have ‘missed’ a great deal as I have just ‘emerged’ onto the Vintage Diving scene somewhat recently. I now claim 23 working, Safe, doubles about 80 some vintage masks, all sealing and fitting me. Spearguns, plus a great deal more. I am not looking to sell or trade, just have some fun at my somewhat advanced age. …64 on the 31st. Not ‘Older’ maybe wiser. All of my learning i can attribute to Rob, Alec, and Allan K. as well as others that help support my Vintage repair and overhaul endeavors. I have a long way to go to be even ‘good’ but I learn more all of the time. I know all of you have an ‘empty’ place with Bryan’s passing, but even after my ‘rambling quests’ I feel accepted by all I have made contact with in the past 2 years even if vdh is a ‘loose group’ now.

Please feel free to contact me Via Scubaboard, e-mail or other. I am sgbonser@ncdot.gov, (252)-209-4788. it is a pleasure to hear from you, Luis.

Scott G. Bonser, PADI DM since ‘84, Harrellsville, NC


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Well, the VDH website seems to be falling into disrepair…. Trying to get to Home only gets you a sorta cheesy video and the Store is “closed for repair” and has been for at least a couple weeks. I fear we’re losing it as a resource.☹️
Yes, Green Frog however don’t give up.
VDH still has many useful resources available. My quests have been a somewhat ‘trial-and-error’ hunt searching out anything I can find regarding vintage diving. Try ‘The Scuba Museum’ for starters. Rob S. Of TSM has headed me down the paths of some very helpful resources. As I learn more, I realize that I am beginning ( Yeah, compared to my resources, I am just a ‘somewhat fledgling’ ) to be a resource myself, and am available for mostly advice. All of my resources are ready to help any sincere enthusiast looking for gear, parts, how to, and many other things you will need. Also try A and D Adventures. Allan has gear for sale, makes authentic tank harnesses, and other stuff. Alec Pierce w/Alec Pierce SCUBA is another valuable resource as well. I wish you the best. Just contact me and I will try to respond ASAP.

Scott G. Bonser, PADI DM since ‘84
Well, the VDH website seems to be falling into disrepair…. Trying to get to Home only gets you a sorta cheesy video and the Store is “closed for repair” and has been for at least a couple weeks. I fear we’re losing it as a res

Go to the top of the VDH homepage and select "FORUMS".
Go to the bottom of the homepage and select "Manuals and Catalogs.

Also look in Youtube under Vintage Double Hose.

I want to tell you a bit about you Duel Air regulator. This is a tilt valve second stage, and it is an upstream valve, meaning that if the first stage malfunctions and sends tank pressure through to the second stage, there is no way of it venting. So this regulator originally had an overpressure relief valve (ORV) installed on the LP port. You now have the MR-12 second stage there, and that will also act as an ORV. But if you decide to take that MR-12 off, you need to add an ORV to the circuit to have a safe unit. Any octopus you put onto this regulator needs to be a downstream valve. So don't try to use an era-specific Sportsways second stage that is also a tilt valve, as the relief needed in the system is lost.

Now, becaues it is a tilt valve, the intermediate pressure (IP) is probably set for your MR-12, and not for the regulator's tilt valve. Fred Roberts, in his book, Basic Scuba, talks about the IP in the tilt valve regulators as being set at about 110 psi. Usually, the MR-12 2nd stage is set higher for best breathing. So you may see better performance for the Duel Air at 110 psi, but the MR-12 octopus may not perform at its best.


PS, I’m pretty sure that the Duel Air is an unbalanced diaphragm first stage. That means that the intermediate pressure increases as the tank empties. So if you set the IP on a full tank at 110 psi, it will increase as the tank’s pressure is depleted. Usually, the recommendation is to set the IP at 500 psi, but I’m not sure this is best for the Duel Air. You may want to experiment with this too.

I want to tell you a bit about you Duel Air regulator. This is a tilt valve second stage, and it is an upstream valve, meaning that if the first stage malfunctions and sends tank pressure through to the second stage, there is no way of it venting. So this regulator originally had an overpressure relief valve (ORV) installed on the LP port. You now have the MR-12 second stage there, and that will also act as an ORV. But if you decide to take that MR-12 off, you need to add an ORV to the circuit to have a safe unit. Any octopus you put onto this regulator needs to be a downstream valve. So don't try to use an era-specific Sportsways second stage that is also a tilt valve, as the relief needed in the system is lost.

Now, becaues it is a tilt valve, the intermediate pressure (IP) is probably set for your MR-12, and not for the regulator's tilt valve. Fred Roberts, in his book, Basic Scuba, talks about the IP in the tilt valve regulators as being set at about 110 psi. Usually, the MR-12 2nd stage is set higher for best breathing. So you may see better performance for the Duel Air at 110 psi, but the MR-12 octopus may not perform at its best.

Hey Thank You SeaRat, ….learning something new all of the time. I will check in the F R Basic Scuba book as I have that section marked by a bookmark. The Dual-air is a ‘strange animal’ indeed. I really needed the F R book to really get into the Dual-air regulator.

When I got the Dual-air it was already overhauled and rebuilt w/new parts including a new diaphragm. You can’t find a new diaphragm for these now that I know of. I did take the time to adjust the MR12 II as it needed a new 2nd stage seat and I did replace the diaphragm to be on the safe side. I then adjusted the air flow on the MR12 II for optimum breathing then I breathed off of both MPs, the Dual-air… no difference than original breathing ability. Then I tested the MR12 II and it gave me great breathing as well. I will have to look on Waterlung Schematics as I am almost positive I have the original ORV. It is a ‘different’ plug than all of the others with a fitting in the center and was already installed in the LP port…kind of resembles what an ORV would be. A ‘pool-trial’ may be what I really need to check this thoroughly. I can also plug the HP port and install the Sportsways Sea-vue gauge in an LP port to check IP w/MR12 II installed to evaluate the IP against the specs. Cool. I may be back in touch S R. This IS My favorite regulator. Please let me know if you can think of anything else.😀

Thank You So Much
Scott G. Bonser
Scott, yes there is one thing that can help. Buy IP gauge. Don’t try using a SPG, as they are on a much different scale, and you won’t be able to set the IP well using a SPG. The scale on an SPG goes from 0—3000 psi (or more). The scale on a IP gauge goes from 0 to about 250 psi, and the setting is much more precise.


PS, go up to my last post, and take a look at the “PS” I added.
Scott, yes there is one thing that can help. Buy IP gauge. Don’t try using a SPG, as they are on a much different scale, and you won’t be able to set the IP well using a SPG. The scale on an SPG goes from 0—3000 psi (or more). The scale on a IP gauge goes from 0 to about 250 psi, and the setting is much more precise.


PS, go up to my last post, and take a look at the “PS” I added.
Again thanks, John. I will now have to ‘find’ an IP gauge just for this occasion. I will need it for continued work on vintage gear. I will first check w/Rob at TSM. He has some stuff for sale that most dive shops only have on the workbench. Alec Pierce is good at finding that stuff too and I may meet up w/Allan Klauda when I travel to Upstate NY this coming Sunday. My vintage gear collecting/restoring/& diving is definitely a passion for me now. Although I have ‘limitations’ it now is my favorite sport activity.

Your ‘reference’ in the Fred Roberts ‘Basic Scuba’ 2nd edition is ‘spot - on’ with the OPV. BTW I also have another ‘Dual Air’ all original w/o ID tag. Allan had a repro ID plate in stock. I bought it from him, and now it’s complete. This one is also adjusted by my ’breathing rate’ at a Dive Shop facility that I frequent ( …I could have done this at home..) I will check it for sure w/IP gauge as this one is my ‘collectable‘. It has the OPV as well and only thing I may add is the other ‘Sea-Vue’ gauge that I have to check air in tank w/o relying on ‘J’-valve.

You are now a ‘reference‘ on my vintage gear list. It has been great find & meet You, SeaRat. Please stay in touch.😀

Thank You Again
Here is an IP gauge for $12. It attaches on any LP inflator hose.

There are many other sources, but I don't think that is something that Rob carries.
Again thanks, John. I will now have to ‘find’ an IP gauge just for this occasion. I will need it for continued work on vintage gear. I will first check w/Rob at TSM. He has some stuff for sale that most dive shops only have on the workbench. Alec Pierce is good at finding that stuff too and I may meet up w/Allan Klauda when I travel to Upstate NY this coming Sunday. My vintage gear collecting/restoring/& diving is definitely a passion for me now. Although I have ‘limitations’ it now is my favorite sport activity.

Your ‘reference’ in the Fred Roberts ‘Basic Scuba’ 2nd edition is ‘spot - on’ with the OPV. BTW I also have another ‘Dual Air’ all original w/o ID tag. Allan had a repro ID plate in stock. I bought it from him, and now it’s complete. This one is also adjusted by my ’breathing rate’ at a Dive Shop facility that I frequent ( …I could have done this at home..) I will check it for sure w/IP gauge as this one is my ‘collectable‘. It has the OPV as well and only thing I may add is the other ‘Sea-Vue’ gauge that I have to check air in tank w/o relying on ‘J’-valve.

You are now a ‘reference‘ on my vintage gear list. It has been great find & meet You, SeaRat. Please stay in touch.😀

Thank You Again
Yes, I went back to the PS on that post and re-read it. I will definitely take that into consideration as I check and possibly readjust the Dual-air regs I have accordingly, once I acquire an IP gauge. how long have you used ‘Dual-air’ or the other Waterlung Doubles? …just curious. They are relatively ‘New’ to me and I like them a lot.

Here is an IP gauge for $12. It attaches on any LP inflator hose.

There are many other sources, but I don't think that is something that Rob carries.
Hey Thanks Luis. Cool Beans …also thanks for the ‘source’ as well. …time to purchase one for my tool bag.😀

BTW, If I can break away from NC DOT around Aug. 26, ( …a BIG if, as Rob & I have been staying in touch about it awhile…) I hope I can meet you two at WSQ in Gibsonburg for Bryan’s ‘Memorial‘ dive and gathering. My work schedule in the summer is relentless and I will have just returned from Memphis, NY.


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