Design for Idiots

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Over the years of diving I learned what works and what does not. The problem is I had to pay for this lesson. Wish someone took the time to walk me through all kinds of gear so I could make the right choice.

Just had two friends pick up their first set of gear. I spent a few hours with them at the shop explaining what works and why. Not pushing them toward any type of gear. After it was all said and done they are very happy with the choices. The rig will grow with them over the time even if they remain OW divers.

OW Rigs...
Halcyon SS backplate and harness
Halcyon Eclipse wing
Halcyon STA
Halcyon ACB Pockets
Halcyon Storage Pack
Oceanic VT3 Computer with wireless transmitter
Oceanic CDX5 first stage
Oceanic Neo second stage
Oceanic Octo
As long as there are manufacturers making products, there will need to be new gear and gadgets for them to make. If we need an economy comprised of manufacturers this is especially true, subsequently people are put to work. If they only made perfect gear that lasted forever where would that leave the manufacturers? We see it in all aspects of our lives: cars, electronics, food,you name it. Unfortunately, it is up to the consumer to do his homework and buy what he needs and be sure that it is the best decision based on functionlality and performance. Not always so easy for the uninformed or inexperienced diver.

I agree, dive gear isn't always made better when it is "New and Improved". This really bugs me too. (For instance: What's with the Zeagle BC's that have rear dump valves on the UNDERSIDE of the bladder????? Hello!?!?! McFLY!?!?!) I wish it were easier to sell my ideas to the manufacturers. I have lots of them that would make their good products great.

That gives me an idea: "Hey! Are there any manufacturers out there that want to hire me as a design consultant? Let me know! I'd only be willing to work with a select few."

Thanks for reading my input!
some of the new and improved things are nice, people always find some use for it. Some of the stuff is over commercialized BS but alot of it is from an abundance of requests for things to where the manufacturer sees a potential to make money and see that it does kindof work. Zeagles move with the underside valve position is probably to help with being able to reach the pull for the valve. think of how big of a pain it would be if fully integrated bc's wernt around and we all needed backplates wings weight belts pocket kits and all that stuff for each dive, personally for a quick dive or 2 i would rather just strap a tank to my bc hook up my reg add weight and dive in. The barebones equipment is still there asides from older bigger simple regs. Small BC knives are nice because you can keep them anywhere on you so you have easiest accessability to it, and dive computers cut the dependancy of remembering tables and checking your gauges to see an approx consumption rate you dont need a watch to keep an eye on down and up times. Its just annoying to see people pushing excessive items on new divers that dont need all the bells and whistles but dont know any better since they are learning and divers that way over spend on equipment just because its the newest and best. thats why there are places to research items and ask questions for various recommendations. One thing im kinda shocked by is the mask purge valve, our rigs have tons of potential spots for failures and now they have a moving part on a mask to possibly leak or tear.
This thread is something I totally concur with. :D

The plethora of pointless or over-elaborate gadgets on the market adequately illustrates the general trend for dive equipment manufacturers to create a need where none exists.

BCDs are the most obvious example. I have seen BCDs marketed with features such as '12 D-rings!!!'. Why? Why? Why? :shakehead:

BCD features that I personally loathe are;

1. Pull dumps on the LPI.
2. Excess attachment points.
3. Too many adjustment points/quick releases.
4. 'Hybrid' bouyancy cells.
5. 'wing' style designs
6. Excess padding.
7. Inflator/Deflator handles (ir what ever Mares calls them?)

BCD marketing seems to be about adding pointless features, rather than perfecting a descent, hard-wearing bouyancy compensator that provides good trim and adequate support at the surface.

They have a million 'novel' features - but the cylinder still slips out because of the pathetic tank band at the back...etc etc etc

When it comes to 'comfort padding' and elaborate harness systems, I think the dive manufacturers are just preying on people's ignorance. When newbies go to a dive shop, they see these things that resemble high-end rucksacks...and think that these are features they need.

The same is true with masks. There are some good innovations - such as lowering volume, whilst increasing field of view.... but then they go and ruin it by creating an overly complex, fragile (and expensive to replace) buckle system for attaching a mask strap.

Fins also... splits, channels, complex strap retainers, multi-grade materials blah blah blah. As someone else said, the best performing design is the classic Jetfin. Other innovations such as the Force Fin..offer an alternative if performance requirements vary. Other than that... it is all senseless.

And then there are the other 'gadgets', that just make me laugh...

1. Octo holders.
2. Etch-a-sketch slates.
3. Colored hose covers.
4. Extending holders for consols.
...and a thousand other pathetic plastic clips, attachments and gizmos that cost more, and perform less than a piece of string, tie-wrap and bolt clip.
Devon...I was totally going to bring up that Mares BCD, but you beat me to it!!:rofl3:

Each BCD already has an up or down button. They are called the inflator/exhaust buttons!!

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