Denise's very own NONSENSE THREAD

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I understand what you are saying. Mandatory evacuations should have started 4 days before the storm, not 24hrs or less. We shall see what they want to do in the coming days here in Savannah. Hanna might be making her presence with some nastiness by the end of the week. Needless to say, I am part of the team that stays with my patients. This should be an interesting week.


They put the mandatory evacuation in for LA earlier in the week. Like I said, I have been telling people not to use our coastal park as a "safe zone", it isn't. That didn't deter them. We're not even worried about hanna yet, this is still reactions to what gustov might do.

The park's evacuation is not exactly directly related to gustov except that we know we will be suffering storm surges, and high winds.

There's something wrong when such a large part of a population, that's been through devastating hurricanes before, still can't figure out that relocating to another part of the coast is a bad idea.
I understand completely about not going to another coastal area especially since the storm is so wide spread. But, people don't think things through. That's the downfall of humanity at times.

For the people who didn't get out in time, some of them should be asking themselves do they really want to depend on their local/community/state government to help them in the time of a widespread emergency? Some I guess can't afford to do anything else.

But I don't understand why they re-elected one of the primary persons entrusted with being in charge of their city.

The city/state could have gotten those people out. It's clear they didn't try....

Between 200 and 375 school buses sat unused and underwater during the storm. It would have taken multipe trips, but they could have gotten them out. Add in the buses of the Rapid Transit Authority (like 300 more) and other parish school districts, and they could have gotten them out with less trips...

Katrina was a pure example of what corruption on the local, county, and state levels will do to a community. Hurricane Katrina Report: “A Failure of Initiative” Unfortunately, the press focused more on the inadequacies at the Federal level rather than going to those that failed at the lowest levels. A mayor is responsible for his city, and he failed miserably. Katrina: Did FEMA really fail? This time around, the eyes of the world was once again on him and he and the new governor actually followed through with what should have been in place a few years ago. I guess Katrina was the test run, and Gustav will prove what doing things the right way will accomplish. Unfortunately, the failures of the past won't bring back all those that were lost, but hopefully, we will not lose any more in the future.

They need to teach kids in the schools over there, proper evacuation sense.

Flocking to the surrounding coastal regions, when the storm could change course and hit any part of the coast, well, it's just plain Darwinian.
ok....I've followed for awhile, so I'll contribute, too.


We let anyone post in point

your use of the word MY.

Such as MY pet monkey :D

Heck why not, my post count is low :)

And here you will gain the skills necessary to truly become full of nonsense. :D

Remember Chapman's Second Rule Of Human Behavior; Stupid people are everywhere.

DC in point again

it's just plain Darwinian.

A monkey speaking of evolution :D
who better, than one that's met you, and seen how evolution isn't always an improvement on the design.

Women didn't have to evolve. We were perfect to begin with. :blinking: Men on the other hand....well, there is just only so many millions of years to do anything with you...

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