Denisegg's incident and near miss at Jackson Blue

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Yes!! You are so sweet Jax!! I now have a clean bill of health!

I forgot to mention yesterday how impressed my cardiologist was when I told him about this thread and how people from all over the world have reached out with their knowledge, wisdom and understanding. He asked me if it was from people who knew about it or had had it happen to them. I told him no, it was an out pouring of concern, well wishes and information on anything that anyone had available regarding this phenomenon.
He told me he had continued to search and find that it happened to healthy people like me. I told him about the pod and the offers to dive with me, including people from the medical profession. He said he thought that was a wonderful idea and he asked me to keep him posted about my future diving.

Damn shame you were on a med you didn't need! Any idea why you were on that stuff to begin with?
To make a long story as short as possible, I no longer trusted my regular ob/gyn because of a botched surgery he did on my daughter. I began to search for another specialist and was referred to this doctor. The doctor was a regenerative medicine doctor who believed in homeopathic medicine and natural vitamins, herbs, etc. rather than synthetic drugs. I know you have probably all heard about bio identical hormones by now. I thought I was doing the right thing for my health. He did full panel profiles and said although my overall thyroid levels were ok, my t3 to t4 ratio was not balanced and prescribed armour thyroid along with a host of vitamins, minerals, etc that of course you bought from him....kind of like the snake oil treatment referred to above. :wink:
To make a long story as short as possible, I no longer trusted my regular ob/gyn because of a botched surgery he did on my daughter. I began to search for another specialist and was referred to this doctor. The doctor was a regenerative medicine doctor who believed in homeopathic medicine and natural vitamins, herbs, etc. rather than synthetic drugs. I thought I was doing the right thing for my health. He did full panel profiles and said although my overall thyroid levels were ok, my t3 to t4 ratio was not balanced and prescribed armour thyroid along with a host of vitamins, minerals, etc that of course you bought from him....kind of like the snake oil treatment referred to above. :wink:

:( I'm sorry to hear that. I'm a believer in a balanced approach as well . . . thank God for military doctors and the ethics requirements that keep them from being puppets of the drug industry.
I received a call from the endocrinologist's office today. When I was released from the hospital he told me not to take the thyroid medicine any longer I had been prescribed by the other doctor and he would recheck me in one month. I was rechecked yesterday and my thyroid is normal. He still wants me to come for my follow up appointment next week but his nurse wanted to give me the good news.

Here we are celebrating that news for you
How awesome!! And what beautiful fireworks!!
Nice feeling isn't it ... having such care and concern from so many people from around the world, many of whom you've never even met ... going out of their way to to do whatever they can do to help

I've seen examples of it here before .. SB is a good place filled with good people
I guess since you'll be taking it easy for a while, that you'll be doing all the cooking at VortoberFest this year?
I'm thinking silver-dollar pancakes, fresh-squeezed orange juice and crispy bacon-filled biscuits every morning, maybe cobb salad sandwiches and tomato bisque for lunch, and we'll let you just concentrate on doing the dishes for dinner. Jason, Barry and I will cook some brontosaurus or bacon-turtle burgers for you :wink:
You have got to be the ballsiest! :worship:
I'm hungry already!! You guys are the best cooks ever! I can't wait until Vortoberfest. I will starve to death. You know I can do the dishes. All you need is a trashcan. :wink:
:rofl3: Nice!
Like this?
How about this?
Multiply that by about 20-30 on Saturday night and you are at Vortoberfest.:wink: :popcorn:
How awesome!! And what beautiful fireworks!!
Just like you! So glad to hear you are doing better and getting positive reports! :)
kind of like the snake oil treatment referred to above. :wink:

I am, by training and profession, a scientist. Scientists try to understand the physical world by using models which are imperfect, but understandable and reproducible by others. At best we approximate the physical world and describe it in very imperfect terms. I can explain why the sky is blue and why the sunset is red based upon how the physical world is modeled. I can't make any claims to the nature of the soul or offer any insights into epistemology - that is the domain of theologians and philosophers. However, we scientists can defend our suppositions of how the physical world works and demonstrate empirically that our models are valid within the constraints of the model. Physicians, who benefit from this fundamental research, carry forth this message. Your physician may (or may not) be competent, but because of their training they carry the possibility of correctly diagnosing your health based upon biological models. Where such models are lacking, you are out of luck. In the case of IPE, the data is lacking and therefore there are no models - your physicians are being truthful when they tell you that: (1) they don't have the answer; and (2) currently there is no answer.

I have spoken with several snake oil salesmen, or alternative health practitioners. They have no idea of how the physical world works. They can also not demonstrate their models or suppositions to anyone, and their findings cannot be reproduced.

Trust your health care professional, not your alternative health care professional.
"Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge: it is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."

-Charles Darwin
The power of the mind is an amazing thing and that has been proven scientifically. I don't believe we can necessarily "Think ourselves well or sick" There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that attitude plays a large part in determining if people will respond well or deteriorate as a result of treatment.

This study is bringing it into the scientifically reproducible category. I absolutely agree the best thing is to follow the scientific supported procedures.. but only when they have been exhausted and you must make your final choices for yourself... don't underestimate the power of your own body/mind to heal. :duck:

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