Deep6 Excursion Hard Reset

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Reaction score
Great Lakes
# of dives
25 - 49
Anyone know how to do this? Been roughly a year since I last dived. Pulled out my Excursion to charge it up for use this week, and as soon as the thing turns on it enters dive mode and says I'm 270ft deep and sinking, alarms going off. I discovered holding power and down will get it to turn off, but it does the same exact thing when you power it up again.

I already don't trust it for this week, but just hoping to do some troubleshooting.
Anyone know how to do this? Been roughly a year since I last dived. Pulled out my Excursion to charge it up for use this week, and as soon as the thing turns on it enters dive mode and says I'm 270ft deep and sinking, alarms going off. I discovered holding power and down will get it to turn off, but it does the same exact thing when you power it up again.

I already don't trust it for this week, but just hoping to do some troubleshooting.
Im wondering if the depth sensor may have salt in it. Crystallization due to extended time out of water could be a possibility? Try to give it a freshwater soak for a while, see if that fixes it. If not, send to us for service and we can take a look.
Im wondering if the depth sensor may have salt in it. Crystallization due to extended time out of water could be a possibility? Try to give it a freshwater soak for a while, see if that fixes it. If not, send to us for service and we can take a look.
I thought of that before going to bed. Even though it's only been in freshwater, that didn't work. I'm gonna let it soak while I'm at work too before I package it up and send it in. Gotta do anything specific before that?

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