TSandM:Isn't V-planner essentially pure Buehlmann, and therefore it runs you up shallow before you start deco? You'd have to have a signficant obligation before V-planner would come up with a deep stop.
It's more of a bubble model idea to stop deep. Running you up shallow and then holding you there longer is a way to push the gradient (imagine the pressure pushing nitrogen out of the body). Stopping deeper is done to control bubble formation.
At least that's how I conceptualize it simply. If I'm wrong about V-planner, forgive me. I don't own it.
I think you can "insert" a deep stop like a way point (i.e. say 100 for 30 and then 1 @ 50) to "force" a deep stop.
What good it's going to do (or not) though, I am not sure, since as you say Buhlman tends to want to bring you shallow -- does adding a deep stop to an algorithm that was maybe designed before deep stops were researched buy you anything?
But yes, for Buehlmann (if that's what v-planner is) then even with Gradient Factors, getting it to automatically give deep stops may be tricky.