"Deep in the Heart of Texas"

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Chicagoan living in Texas
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I'm a Fish!
I hope you'all will have room for me. I'm moving down to Pearland this summer. We bought a house down there..and I'm ready and excited to move!
Now what do I have to do to be a Swamper?
Natasha - welcome to Texas (soon anyway!!) from another tranplant .... I moved to Austin 22 yrs ago - originally from NY-CT, but spent 3 years in CA in between. Noticed you list occupation in Travel field - wll that be what you're doing here when you move??

Dee seems to be the resident expert (or torturer) on qualifications for becoming a member of the "Swamp" ..... check out my thread based on the same question ...... http://www.scubaboard.com/t24546/s.html

Good luck on your move!!!
Come on down, Girlfriend.... We've got alot to teach you about being a Texan!

Lessee.....now where did I put that book on Exorcising Yankees??? :eek:ut:
Does that mean you aren't going to be able to meet me at Mermet?

Good luck on the move. You are headed down to be with some great folks.

We welcome you moving to Pearland, also my location. Your
going to find some super nice people down here always
looking to dive and have fun. I look forward to meeting you.
If there's anything I can help you with in Pearland, let me know.
Happy to have you join us Natasha.

Southern swamp.... yall be nice. :mean:

I haven't seen an exercising (exorcising..darn typo's) Yank book BUT, I have a initiati..err welcome guide....

Typical stuff ya know heres a real Margirita....

and If you eat the green hot sauce with your mexican food you will realize why the drink is so big....

Fun stuff like that
SquintyPete once bubbled...
I haven't seen an exercising Yank book BUT, ....

You need to read my post again, Squinty. I said EXORCISING...as is getting the devil out. We'll have to get the yankee out of 'Tasha if she's going to truly be assimilated into the fold. Things like...

She'll have to learn to say Coke instead of Pop. Even if you mean 7-up, Dr. Pepper or Grape Nehi...it's all called Coke.

Your idea about the green sauce is good but she's been married to a Texan for awhile so he's already turned her onto things like good Bar-B-Q and Mexican. However the real Mexican food here is way different that what she's been getting up north.

And 'Tasha Dahlink....you have just GOT to learn to slow down. Girl, you'll burn up this summer if you don't! Remember the hours between 1pm and 4pm is the hottest part of the day. During those hours you plan to be either inside somewhere with airconditioning or in the water somewhere, preferrable below the surface.
You got me Dee that was a horrible typo.. I will blame it on umm Wal-Mart... after 8 hours of wal-mart your intelligence drops down a tad bit..
*goes and changes his typo*

Hmm There is the select group of people who would bring the a.c. outside with them.... (seen it before) its ghetto though

and northerns pronounce a little stream as Crick not the Creek that it is
Glad we'll have you down here. I'm looking forward to meeting you sometime. I'm sure you'll be glad to leave the snow-shovel back in Chi-town when you come....you won't be needing it here!


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