Why do people dive deep? Well some love the buzz, I know I enjoy The mental thrill of it. Now why do I enjoy that, well I guess its the same reason skydivers love the thrill or base jumpers etc. Now I would never skydive, or base jump ever. For me the risk is far too high if things go wrong, however I do understand their mental drivers.
Perhaps some people have their brains wired in a certain way which promotes this, similar why some become addicted to smoking while others can stop cold turkey or never have the desire in the first place. Why some are addicted to sex and others can take it or leave it. Why do some people take huge risks and become millionaires and others don't and remain poor to just comfortable financially.
Now in saying that I like diving deep, I do, but I also understand the risks and increased risks the deeper one goes. Now I didn't have this knowledge on my first deep dives to the extent I needed. We joined a dive group to dive Truk. It wasn't until we were nearly ready to leave that I started asking appropriate questions and had some real concerns, alarm bells were going off in my head. We would be diving on singles as that's all the gear we had. I read up on deeper diving and decided to mitigate some of the risk by limiting depth to 50m, using 15 litre cylinder and a sling cylinder, with a 50% Nx under the boat for emergencies. We followed our plan and Murphy didn't strike except to have a backup computer failure. It was a plan, but in hindsight should have been done differently.
On completing this holiday I read more and then it became abundantly clear we had taken significant risk on this holiday, mainly due to our ignorance (you don't know what you don't know until you get there, and often its far too late). On that basis it was clear to me that given our love for diving and future dive plans, it would be in our best interest and safety to do a tech course which we did and that highlighted things we had not even really considered while over at Truk. I now feel much more happy about deep diving on air as I now understand the risks better.
So to answer some peoples questions here "why do people take risks and dive deep", I believe its partly their makeup inside their head (and I don't mean stupidity). Perhaps personal satisfaction (this is me), some are ego driven, some do it in ignorance and some are just plain dumb.
For me anyway I like to calculate the risk and look at mitigating it and then deciding if its worth it. Based on my current knowledge I would not dive below 55m on air and am very aware of the risks at that depth. I do have a mental desire to dive to 100m and realise I need to do Trimix however in saying that, its a fair cost to do this and do the dives which may be the only ones I ever do on Trimix given the additional cost, so in all probability it wont happen, but I am damn sure it wont happen in air just because I have a desire to go that deep.
Life is far too short so I made myself a promise of doing as much as I can in the time I have. My father, sister, uncles all died of cancer. In the days when chemicals were good, I have been exposed to DDT, 245T, dihedron, asbestoses unwittingly, so the dice has well and truly been rolled for me a number of times. I have fallen out of a car onto the road at speed and nearly died a number of times while driving tractors on a farm when 15. So I guess the grim reaper has had a few goes at claiming me. I accept my life is finite, but wish to enjoy as much of it as I can, therefore try not to take stupid risks, planned ones yes, but not stupid ones.
So for me its, understand what you wish to achieve, understand the risks, plan the dive and dive the plan. Put in backup and emergency gear and plans, minimise the risks.
I think the biggest killer in most of these dives is that they may well be a "rush of blood" thought, rather than a fully planned out dive. If it were planned they probably wouldn't have dived the way they did.