Deep Blue

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Sounds like an irresponsible kid that doesn't have any idea what he's doing. Just by reading that post, I can tell the type.

He obviously doesn't understand Cozumel diving or diving in small groups, etc. etc.

For the record, Deep Blue is a safe shop and all rental regs have a dive computer in the console. So his claim that "they forgot the depth guages" and told them they didn't need them is a crock. I don't believe it for one second.

His claim that because his friend didn't have a depth guage, he ascended too fast and got the bends so it was the divemasters fault is also a crock.

$13,000 chamber bill...I bet he didn't have diving insurance either.
Read the last post in the linked story, it is a good response to the original poster.

I just returned from Cozumel, and dove one day with Deep Blue. I found them to be extremely professional. Sandy was our DM for the day, and she was dealing with some new divers and then us, the "unknown" quantity because she only knew what we told her our experience level was, until she observed us underwater.

Anyway, our experience was great. The briefing was excellent, she handled a new diver with difficulty equalizing well, it did NOT impinge upon the length of our dives, and we went to some nice sites. She found several splendid toadfish for us, and we had some really nice afternoon dives the day we arrived.

I would recommend Deep Blue to anyone, and dive with them again.

I agree with Christi. We dove for 4 days with Deep Blue in May 2004, found them to be very professional and safety conscious. Divers who rented gear from them always had depth and pressure gauges.
I use Deep Blue in Cozumel as well. I find the posted article very hard to believe. I've never experienced that type of behavior from any of their DM's. To the contrary, every dive is very well briefed, and NO diver is taken to taken to a site which exceeds his/her comfort level or experience level.

Deep Blue is a quality operation accross the board from Matt the owner, to each and every DM. They are a good safe choice for extended range diving (i.e. trips to the less dived sites).
I dont believe any of this. In the story the poster basically admits he is using illegal drugs and also diving. Hope he doesnt get nailed. Got back home on cruise ship yesterday. Several dope dogs being used. Anyone foolish enough to buy such stuff would be very sorry.
Just to back up Christi's post, the Deep Blue web site does state that dive computers are on all rental regs and that the offer "All computer diving for maximum bottom time and increased safety". It is true that you don't need a depth gauge if you have a computer and know how to use it.

I think that the person who wrote the original review of Deep Blue is completely irresponsible, not only in their diving but also by posting such an inaccurate and inflammatory review.
What a bunch of BS, does this clown even know what a dive computer is?? Just spent 10 days diving with Deep Blue and they and all their staff was wonderful and extremely professional. This joker and his friends were obviously on a party trip with some diving mixed in. Most likely got drunk and dove the next day hung over/dehydrated et al.
There's a lot of slanderous stuff in his follow up post too.

Christi- nice follow up post, that guys ears must still be ringing.

My three more cents:
I have been a very happy customer of Deep Blue, but I have no other connection with them. I agree with most of the previous posters that the guy in question seems to have some serious issues, some are issues with reality.

1) I have almost two dozen dives with Deep Blue, with a variety of DM's and they always gave a briefing. Not everyone paid attention, but it was always there. It is possible, but pretty unlikely that they gave no briefing.

2) No depth gauge? See computer. Seek education. If a depth gauge in addition to a computer is that "mission critical" then he should consider buying and bringing his own gear.

3) On some dives buddy pairs have been sent up when one ran low on air. On other dives entire groups (including some unhappy campers er. . . divers) have had to surface when one person hit a predetermined level. (And by the way, that predetermined level is discussed at the briefings.) The actual plan for surfacing depends upon the site, the group, the individuals etc.

4) I know that it is certainly possible to get bent in many many ways, but I find it interesting that it was not the buddy's fault, nor the complainer's fault, but the DM and the Dive Op. The DM took the buddy to a safety stop depth. With such deep concern, the complainer stayed below? Huh. Remember that the buddy didn't get bent from his own actions, or from any other part of the dive, he got bent because he surfaced to fast from the safety stop. Huh again. I learn so much from other divers.

5) Matt has place on the registration forms where he asks divers if they want insurance for $1 per day. That is there to cover the chamber. He says that is you have DAN, then you don't need it, but he recommends it to people without DAN. $5 extra for a week is cheap insurance. Even if no one specifically mentioned it to these guys, it is on the form.

6) It is sad how some ill-informed, unhappy person can post derogatory things for the entire world to see. Hopefully there are enough people out there giving positive references that Matt and Co. won't be affected.

5) Matt has place on the registration forms where he asks divers if they want insurance for $1 per day. That is there to cover the chamber. He says that is you have DAN, then you don't need it, but he recommends it to people without DAN. $5 extra for a week is cheap insurance. Even if no one specifically mentioned it to these guys, it is on the form.

This point has been addressed here in the past. My understanding is that the $1 chamber fee is NOT insurance, and paying that $1 will NOT get you a free chamber ride if you need it; the $1 is a voluntary contribution to the chamber for its maintenance expenses.

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